Suggestion New Map Land of Immortals Boss Paragon

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by G-Rico, Oct 23, 2023.

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  1. G-Rico

    G-Rico Someday Author

    Would it be possible to implement the same system as for the other bosses? Namely being able to buy teleportation portals to go directly to the boss. Each run costs 20 infernal frag in blood mode and wastes time crossing the last map.
    _mrak11_ and SoftwareEngineer like this.
  2. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    Good Suggestion direct portals would be nice. Now that they added keys of Prowess for access. They also need to add a Sentinel to Hall of Paradoxes. Like all the other maps that the boss requires key of Prowess.
  3. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    It could be done this way for just that purpose.
  4. Talaby

    Talaby Someday Author

    Would anyone be able to explain to me the reason that you have to put the rings on the countertop along with another item from the set to get 1 better item? I overheard this conversation the other day at the Guild.
  5. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    What reason should be behind of it? It is just a game mechanic, decided by the developers, like all the others. To craft Q items you need a set ring, any item of the same kind, and enough ingredients from bosses and maps... it doesn't seem strange at all to me.