Tegan is lag now

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by SillySword, Dec 29, 2023.

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  1. SillySword

    SillySword Regular

    The latency of my game client was 130+ ms before.
    When Christmas tree came up, it's 180+ ms.
    When Christmas tree was gone, it's 180+ ms.
    Now it's over 300+ ms and game is not playable.
    I try to re-download game data, it's stop on the half way.

    barigabaryga likes this.
  2. ABC

    ABC Moderator Team Drakensang Online

    Hello there :) Have you already tried solutions such as deleting temp folder (and then from recycle bin), etc.? ^^
  3. SillySword

    SillySword Regular

    It's better now, 180+ ms. I will try to figure out why the latency gets 50 ms higher than usual in the last few days.

    It's the server-side issue. I traceroute tegan.drakensang.com, it keeps 130+ ms.
    Today, it's 130+ ms in Kingshill.
    In Winter Summit, it's 130+ ms.
    In Kranparus' Lair, it's still 180+ ms.
    The event is nearing the end, I guess the loading of sever is decreased.

    Thank you.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2024