Support Error Code : 36

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by Venaa, Feb 24, 2024.

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  1. Venaa

    Venaa Forum Apprentice

    Server : Heredur
    in dragan maps i take this error code : 36
  2. Rectangular

    Rectangular Forum Greenhorn

    I have the same problem and now when I try to connect to my character it keeps loading and I cant enter on it.
    An hour has passed and I still have the same problem.
  3. Agate74

    Agate74 Forum Apprentice

    Really ,you dont have any respect for your players ? Everytime when an event starts must be problems ? I wonder why we still play that game . We wait every year this event and everytime you must broke it with your errors. Sometime Nebula error, sometiems we cant log in , sometimes the server is overloaded. Weak up people , upgrade your servers.
    mazerunner and _mrak11_ like this.
  4. Buyon

    Buyon Forum Apprentice

    Out of pure curiosity, did anyone even have a reply from Drakensang team after lodging a complaint regarding the ERROR 36?
    _mrak11_ likes this.
  5. Venaa

    Venaa Forum Apprentice

    No :)
  6. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    Come on guys, you are perfectly aware of how evanescent your IT infrastructure is: how do you plan to run multiple events like Sargon and Dragan at the same time?

    You are the one who schedules the events... at least make sure they don't overlap!! Truly, continuing to persevere with such a kind of mistakes is really pushing the limits.
  7. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    No, support responded with only the generic computer generated response to delete temp file. I know a dozen players that put in support tickets
    and same for them, only the generic computer generated response.

    I have played this game 13 year and only one time has support ever resolved one of my tickets and I have put in a lot. Same old response to delete temp file. All you can do is sit and wait, hope the next revision or hot patch they do resolves it.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2024
    Venaa likes this.
  8. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I did.
    They told me to piss off :D
    Javah and Venaa like this.
  9. T3SS

    T3SS Forum Apprentice

    I don't see event overlapping as a problem. Compared to few years ago, the decrease in server capacity is apparent. And it's no mistake.
    Many people will not like it, but end is near. Cumulating number of mistakes in past 2 years and fixing each one is taking longer and longer. Latest content expansions are critically unfinished and there is no sign of any improvement plans in the future. Never ever in 13 years of its existence was DSO in such a bad state and BP is silent.
    For quite a long time DSO isn't making as much money as it used to and BP is doing only logical thing - moving on. Though the way they chose is a bit disappointing for players.

    By the way I am sure officials won't like this kind of post so I wouldn't be surprised if it got deleted :D
    Javah and mazerunner like this.
  10. Buyon

    Buyon Forum Apprentice

    To be fair, it feels like there are only one or two people left in IT that just can't do it all and don't think they are payed enough to bother. So as far as we can all predict they just try to force the players to slowly quit instead of announcing that the game is being shut down? (which lowkey I hope is not the case).

    If yours goes down I suppose so will mine :D
    T3SS likes this.
  11. T3SS

    T3SS Forum Apprentice

    Since the mass leaving in dev team ranks (around 2021), team has not fully recovered and it looks like they finally realized the game would simply take too much effort to save.
  12. BANANA

    BANANA Forum Greenhorn

    i just came back to this game in december 2023 and i feel playing again so i grind and grind and i was very happy when i heard that there is a dragan event and 1 day on dragan event is smooth and day 2 full of error and i am very disappointed in this game again and i think its time to delete again this game
  13. Μorfeas

    Μorfeas Junior Expert

    you can't play this game anymore..! realy is very disappoint for the players the try to play and error 36 is pop up!! and the bugs is not fix ..i try today to use victory pauldrons custome and they put the gold warrior costume! tragic this is not fix!
  14. xPlumBX

    xPlumBX Forum Greenhorn

    hi everyone next post is taken from your discord stuff>>>

    Dear Heroes,
    We thank you for being in such a large number, but our server cannot handle more than 100 players.
    Please log in according to the amount of money you have invested in your account.
    Those who have the active mantle have priority !
    The rest, you can play after 2 am.
    Thank you for your understanding, and we promise you that we will include another box that you can buy for 10 euros as compensation.
    Your Drakensang Players Team.

    and i m back here>> i have donated in your game a lot but i have problems with every big event i have in game errors, bugh, and lags that make the game unplayble, i have donated in your game so u guys can take care of the servers but i dont have a stabile server so i can play it. u dont offer me back anything for my investment in your game. thank u and have a nice day
    trakilaki likes this.
  15. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    It is.

    There are two cases: either the infrastructure is the same and they no longer have the capacity, either technical or economic, to make it work efficiently, or as you say they dismantled it because the game was dying and they only maintained a minimal equipment, so as not to turn it off permanently. In both cases, everything that adds overload, both in terms of content and players present at the same time, is detrimental to the decent functioning of the system overall. This is why it is a mistake to run more events together.

    Furthermore (another mistake happened in the recent past) they should never start any main event on a Friday, given that I have the clear feeling there will be no one at work until at least the Monday... of course I can be wrong about this, but I believe I am 100% right :D

    Giving away for free millions of dust during the Summer event and the premium to anyone during the Christmas event was their choice: no one forced them, they could continue to sell packages and premiums as always...

    It's not OUR game, it's THEIR game: nothing here is "our" :)
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2024
    T3SS likes this.
  16. Venaa

    Venaa Forum Apprentice

    I haven't seen such a message in Discord servers, could you provide a source?
  17. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    Of course not :p it's his invention, he's just teasing them :)
    Venaa likes this.
  18. Venaa

    Venaa Forum Apprentice

    Ahh! The matters are so distressing that I thought they were real. :))
    Javah likes this.
  19. PepsiDrink21

    PepsiDrink21 Forum Greenhorn

    It's the end of the week, instead of relaxing on the game we get angry ... 5 minutes on the game and 15 minutes to log in again. Maximum relaxation :)
    Venaa likes this.
  20. Buyon

    Buyon Forum Apprentice

    Soooooo.... I just logged into the game (HEREDUR server). Finally! Dragan is going to last for 30 days apparently. Will I miss log-in benefits on these days? Probably Yes! Will I stress about it? Probably not anymore as we obviously will not see any improvement in the next few days (at least). Were my weekend plans ruined? Kind of yes :) But oh well, at least I know that even if I miss a few days now at least I will have time to catch up. (Unless the Dev team plans to leave us hanging for an entire month :D)