High ping

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by Absdb, Apr 9, 2024.

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  1. Absdb

    Absdb Forum Greenhorn

    A few people, not only me, have problems with high ms since May 2023. Will this ever be fixed?
    Normally my ms was 70 now I have to play with 170-200+.

  2. chepitas

    chepitas Forum Greenhorn

    I just start to play again yestesrday and only trying to enter to a city had 200 ping when my ping allways was 20-40ms.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    They prolly changed server provider...a cheaper one ^^ I figure I live pretty close to it, since it was 5-10ms and even my ping increased a little to 17-20ms. Allot less drastic than yours, but I doubt it ever gets fixed for you and others with this problem.
    chepitas likes this.
  4. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    What is the impact of that ping range? I'm in the US, but playing on Grimmag ... 170-200 is my normal ping range, and I don't experience lag at that rate.

    When the server is busy or otherwise compromised, and my ping rises to 275 or higher, then I do see lag, map loading problems, etc. But not at 200ms or below.
  5. Absdb

    Absdb Forum Greenhorn

    I don’t deny that playing at up to 200ms is possible, but after playing at 70ms it’s unpleasant. And it’s funny that your ping from the US is the +- same as mine on the same server. I believe this was a mistake by the devs when they tried to fix error 36 last year.
  6. Talbor

    Talbor Padavan

    I'm not sure what my ping rate is, but lately I'll hit a huge lag spike where the game will freeze up for 20-30 seconds. It seems random from what I can tell. I'm on the East Coast, USA & playing on Agathon.
  7. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    You can go into Settings and turn on the "Latency indicator". It will give you your ping on the lower right, under the essences.