Can't test anything on test server

Discussion in 'Test Server' started by muratiz, Jul 14, 2024.

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What we need on test server for testing

  1. need gold,need hlyph

    6 vote(s)
  2. need basic ing,boss ing

    6 vote(s)
  3. need unique ing,keys

    8 vote(s)
  4. achievements for crafting and events

    5 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. muratiz

    muratiz Forum Greenhorn

    Why we can't get enough resource for testing and need to grind on a test server
  2. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    If everyone's maxed out on the test server, how will we spot bugs that only lower-level toons would experience? How will we identify difficulty imbalances at lower level? How will we know which quests are impossible for resource-constrained toons? Etc.

    In the past, the devs would occasionally grant various boosts / resources to test toons for a designated period of time, then roll back all the characters and the entire server to a pre-buffed state. It's possible that the current dev team doesn't have the know-how to perform such a roll-back, and/or just don't want to waste the time setting up such a process.

    Do you provide feedback on the test server, or do you just want to get an early taste of upcoming changes for your own pleasure? Based on previous threads through the years, a not insignificant # of "testers" used the test server as their main without actually giving back anything to the devs or the community at large. Judging by the total number of posts you've uploaded to these forums (10 posts), I'm guessing you fall into this category of "tester." Am I wrong?
  3. muratiz

    muratiz Forum Greenhorn

    Server wipe can be a good option. Most of to game i am grinding alone hard to farm maps and bosses bgh event for an example no one plays in test server and you cant kill bosses easily it's makes testing hard for players. They can make polls every weekends this way they can get more feedbacks. Gold,andermant these are can be good for fast upgrade and testing events
    OopsFoos likes this.
  4. septamemo

    septamemo Forum Apprentice

    Can't get the full destiny board anymore (even if i don't really mind not having it).
  5. Conde_Zamo

    Conde_Zamo Forum Greenhorn

    i have a question.... why test server its wrong? ...when i Touching anything and doing anything closes the game for me.
  6. OopsFoos

    OopsFoos Board Analyst

    Why do I need a test server if errors are still transmitted to the main servers? Thunder Beast Grimace weapon, with incorrect values in base damage, percentages do not match base damage. When will this be fixed???