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Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Hokori, Jul 2, 2024.

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  1. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    Hmmm yes they have changed the Critical hit standards for max. I too would like to know why Bigpoint changed this. Also why they changed it with out bothering to even explain.
  2. Marsicanus

    Marsicanus Forum Veteran

    I don't know if I understood your question well.
    If you are using the new spring runes it is normal because they give a % bonus so the bonus of the jewels on the map are calculated on a lower numerical value.
    With 5 of those runes you now need to have 405k critical in city to reach the usual 450-455k to have 80% in blood

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    382996 crit city stats and im still getting the max. Maybe it depends on class?
  4. Marsicanus

    Marsicanus Forum Veteran

    No class are not important.

    How many spring runes you use?
    Maybe there can be a differences if you use some item with critical % like brigavik boots, bgh rings, xmas jewels....
    More item/runes with % critic you have (not critics on items) and, with the same final value, you will have less numerical impact so you will have less gain on the map from the jewel of rage
  5. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Nice joke XD
    I don't have even one ... the painting brush has a significant credit card drop rate :D and I am F2P
    I don't know what is going on.
    I just logged in to take a screenshot and the percentages are back to normal. The Critical Hit value is still the same 475913 (I always make calculations in town) and the value for bloodshed is at 80%.
    But last night with the same value of 475913 the crit hit chance was only at 80% at painful ... for all the other difficulties it was displaying less than 80% . I don't remember what was the % for all difficulties but for bloodshed it was ~70%.
    And again ... the crit hit value is not changed (475913) only the displaying percentages were less than 80%.
    Nothing was changed, the setup , gear and skill/wisdom trees are same.
    The only thing I was doing was shifting from TS to LS ... and the Deluxe Membership was expiring and was appearing - disappearing ... as usual :D
    You need to hover the pointer over the crit value in order to get the chances per difficulty. It is only level dependent.
    They said that the previous team haven't left them the manual on how to use the keyboard ... that explains it all.
    It reminds me of "we lost the technology that is why we haven't been on the moon ever since" NASA explanation.
  6. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    Nothing to complain about if the producers decide to transform a game with a decent balance between free-to-win and pay-to-win into an exclusively pay-to-win one: it is their right and I hope they have cashed in all the money they want.

    Much less convincing though if they push it to the extreme point of making it a pay-to-win-nothing, because they should ask themselves what satisfaction and incentive can players have after having spent whole days and millions of andermants to drop NOTHING.

    I hope it is only because they needed to reset the economy of the game, which was sick and corrupted by the overflow of andermants in circulation, often given away without reason even to the most casual players. And that once most of the multi-million-andermant deposits around have been reset, they will also reset the undue advantage acquired by those who (for some hypothetical "luck", as they call it) have dropped the best items after a few runs, while there are still those who still do not drop after thousands of attempts.

    In the meantime, the producer's behavior has destroyed my guild by condemning it to inactivity, and it has done the same to many of my friends who, after having devastated their accounts for nothing, have stopped showing up online. And in the end, I did the same, because in the face of such fool behavior I have lost all desire to waste my (very precious) time up here.

    Whether it will be a farewell or a see you later, will be told by the choices that producers will make in the soon future. Until then, enjoy my farewell party :) (and forget about earning a single cent from me).
    OopsFoos likes this.