Feedback September/October 2024: Events Feedback

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Hokori, Sep 1, 2024.

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    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Mayby you got too many blueboxes stacked left on your screen for them to popup? I had no problem unlocking them on my alts
  2. Kingman.

    Kingman. Forum Apprentice

    No. With every bar as soon as i had both expansion boxes available i would switch alt and use them on the selected one. I definitely did not get them to use on the Soul Frenzy bar, which makes me wonder how many items it may say i got that i never did. You don't check on most of the junk!
    I do not like having a large pile on the side so always get rid of them quickly, which is why i just love the "do not show again" button on offers
  3. KATT

    KATT Forum Apprentice

  4. Kingman.

    Kingman. Forum Apprentice

    Me again. Probably a newbie type thing but after i had defeated Mortis on the ship and used the soul pinata i got an item i could not pick up. It was a yellow rotating circle like with pet or mount drops, but it had a spanner in it. Hovering the cursor over it said it was "Pauldrons of the fiery beast - fiery beast" although when searching online i see references to the ferocious beast, so i may have misremembered, or Google may have decided that was what i meant to type.
    While opening my Screenhunter prog and working out how to take a pic with the name shown from the cursor over the item it disappeared :mad:

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    If you can't pick it up, you allready have it. It's a costume effect. Check blacksmit
  6. Paladin21

    Paladin21 Forum Apprentice

    Hello, I would like to know what is the difference in the Mortis' piñata items to kill Mortis on the ship in different difficulties. Could it be that killing Mortis on Normal difficulty gives the piñatas the same items as in Bloodshed? or what is the difference?
  7. vegetadavid

    vegetadavid Forum Mogul

    Hi, these are the same rewards from what I understand.

    Here's my quick feedback on the start of this anniversary event.
    It's the first time I've done it since I started playing again. The weapon is obviously a good motivation for taking part. It's a powerful item, and as with the BGH set, I find it frustrating that there's no guarantee. Statistically, there are players who won't get anything in several hundred runs.
    It might be nice if there was a second, different weapon that was a bit less powerful that you could buy for 100,000 truth crystals, for example, or that had a higher drop rate.
    The new content with the Frenzy Soul and Mortis maps looks good to me.
    Otherwise the pinata system is nice, I've made a lot of shiny dust.

    Negative points :
    - For a 30-day event, I find that the progress bars end perhaps a little too quickly.
    - With 500 truncheons, opening pinatas one by one for gems takes literally 2 hours...
  8. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Exceptional Talent

    When is the 5th day of maintenance coming?

  9. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Exceptional Talent

    Today 6th October 2024 the gift of the 9th day is off...
