Bug I can't log in to the server.

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by AidaT, Oct 7, 2024.

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  1. AidaT

    AidaT Forum Greenhorn

    I can't log in to the server. My servers do not appear after I try to log in. What's going on?
  2. jeffzrx

    jeffzrx Padavan

    click what u see
  3. PhenomX

    PhenomX Forum Greenhorn

    still dead :/
  4. GuerreroJaguar

    GuerreroJaguar Forum Greenhorn

    I can´t enter either, same problem, I already clicked on it but nothing, I can´t enter, I going Tegan.... It´s incredible that in middle of 2024 the game still has the same bugs, problems, etc as always
  5. SmokingKills

    SmokingKills Forum Greenhorn

    Last edited: Oct 7, 2024
  6. AidaT

    AidaT Forum Greenhorn

    I managed to enter in the end, I managed to get the prizes of the day and when I tried to play, it disconnected me again and I can't enter again. There are probably some problems with the client. I will be patient!
  7. Malia89

    Malia89 Forum Greenhorn

    I'm having the same problem. I can't login. No idea what's causing it.
  8. LionCorvenik

    LionCorvenik Forum Greenhorn

    Same here im playing on Tegan server and cant log in since morning, i just have a few hours to play
  9. Conde_Zamo

    Conde_Zamo Forum Greenhorn

    I hope see some bonus codes because this BUG stop my activity farming a lot ......
    WE need comunication, restauration and bonus codes....
  10. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    I am getting same thing, Tegan server.
  11. betelli077

    betelli077 Forum Greenhorn

    i no log in the server too
  12. Modrá_Krev

    Modrá_Krev Forum Greenhorn

    What now? When does it start?
  13. annunak88

    annunak88 Forum Greenhorn

    This same.
  14. Conde_Zamo

    Conde_Zamo Forum Greenhorn

    nothing yet?.... about 10 hrs this bug
  15. VMmage

    VMmage Someday Author

    Roughly the same for me, I managed to log into Tegan just once out of many tries. I can usually log into Agathon, but that also requires retries, 3 or 4 attempts before I get a successful login. Once I'm in, I can claim the daily rewards and switch characters, but getting logged in is problematic. I quit playing this game about 10 years ago, I'm being reminded why I gave up on it. I came back to this game on October 1, bad timing on my part.
  16. CiscoNetPlus

    CiscoNetPlus Old Hand

    Same problem on Agathon Server.
    SGTMACHINEGUN likes this.
  17. Aivendil

    Aivendil Forum Greenhorn

  18. VMmage

    VMmage Someday Author

    It's really hard to see the text in the picture, and I don't recognize the language. I'm going to guess that you're getting error 37, the map creation error. I see that often, sometimes I have to retry my login 5 or 6 times before I successfully complete the character initialization sequence. It's another long-standing bug, I'm guessing it will never be fixed.