Festive Solstice Winter Present

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Talbor, Dec 23, 2024 at 12:09 PM.

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  1. Talbor

    Talbor Padavan

    Could anyone tell me what the present gives that cost 2500 Phestos coins?

    I'm trying to decide whether I should buy that or buy the Rocketman event attire for 2000 Phestos coins.
  2. G-Rico

    G-Rico Junior Expert

    1 rune of Enhancement
    1 gem of Enhancement
    10k drakens
    1 jewel chest
    1 dragon blood box
    50k anders
    100K gold
    1 golden goose
    5 trapezoid and 3 imperial gems
    1 reindeer

    1 rune of fortitude (blue)
    1 rune of vigor (blue)
    salotr likes this.
  3. Talbor

    Talbor Padavan

    Thank you G-Rico! Maybe I shouldn't have asked now, hahaha!

    The main things I see, for me anyway, is the GoE, Drakens, Jewel chest, 50k ander & the gems. The event cloak is 2-weeks iirc & I still need that Jewel of Rage from that event. I'll probably get the present & hope I can get the JoR without the cloak :)

    Thanks again!
  4. salotr

    salotr Regular

    50k anders, that's a nice amount!
  5. Talbor

    Talbor Padavan

    Definitely is since I'm not able to farm 5 blood chests yet.
  6. salotr

    salotr Regular

    Sooner or later you will be able to do it without any problems, in the meantime enjoy the game calmly, without the frenzy of rushing to get things.