Meaning of "Favored" in PvP?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by galadriale, Jan 6, 2014.

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  1. galadriale

    galadriale Junior Expert

    I have a question about the word "favored" shown on PvP screen. I know my opponent has the same experience level, knowledge level and lower fame level, so what does favored refer to? Does it mean he has better overall stat like base damage and critical hit or block or he has used essence or buffs? thanks
  2. Zokin

    Zokin Forum Expert

    I think that player's overal win/lose rate is calculated as well, not dmg crit etc.
  3. galadriale

    galadriale Junior Expert

    I see - thanks for the information!
  4. freewayfrank

    freewayfrank Someday Author

    also would like to add that favored sometimes means another team member is damaged meaning they didnt repair there armor.....Have Fun favored teams rarely at it
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