Which shield is better? ( 3 options)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by SkyLin3, Jan 7, 2014.

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  1. SkyLin3

    SkyLin3 Forum Greenhorn

  2. Zokin

    Zokin Forum Expert

    The second one :p.., it has slightly smaller rate than 3. shield, but a lot bigger block amount... Idk i would use the second one.
  3. stacker99

    stacker99 Forum Master

    Third one. Block rate is better than damage reduction. If you don't have a higher chance to block - why you need to reduce blocked damage? My shield is with 1379 block chance and 516 blocks. Every second hit is blocked. Reduction is about 58%.
    So if you find shield with 2 blocks and 2 block chance - it is luck and better one.
  4. Ffs

    Ffs Forum Apprentice

    I'd choose the second one as well. Why?
    - because the block rate is not much different from 3rd
    - armor value is better as well
    - oh! damage!!
    - its a lv45, and you'll end up replacing the others anyway

    While I look for a better one with 2 blocks and 2 reduction enchants.
  5. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    I agree with Ffs for the same reasons listed. In addition to the block rate being essentially the same as #3, #2 has over twice the damage reduction.

    Luck be with ye,
  6. SkyLin3

    SkyLin3 Forum Greenhorn

    10x for the help guys! :D
  7. Nairda1984

    Nairda1984 Forum Apprentice

    I would go or the 2nd one for sure the damage is a nice bonus and the stats are good verall
  8. daywaker2

    daywaker2 Forum Demigod

    the Second but best is 3xblock 1xreduce:)
    Master0fpuppets likes this.
  9. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    I agree with daywaker2.
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