Need Group For Mortis (herduer)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Dr.ViRu$, Jan 7, 2014.

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  1. Dr.ViRu$

    Dr.ViRu$ Forum Greenhorn

    hi all im Ranger and my in-game name is Drvirus211 :)
    I need strong players for mortis to kill him 2-15 times or more :p
    I have 9k red ess and base damage 725-833 and have a real strong character but I cant find group for mortis and I don't have Guild :\ and I need 1 drop from mortis for weapons of the end of time quest .. so please help me and I will help u back whenever u want :D

    I hope u can help :(

    *if u are a strong Warrior(DK) its ok I can bring strong ranger and mages :)
  2. SirLar

    SirLar Forum Greenhorn

    I'm SirLar but it look like your not on the same sever as I am
  3. Dr.ViRu$

    Dr.ViRu$ Forum Greenhorn

    :( :(
  4. yamahamm

    yamahamm Advanced

    yamahamm, 660-730, ranger :)
  5. rayonaranja

    rayonaranja Padavan

    heredur rayonaranja mage call me pls
  6. deathacceptor

    deathacceptor Someday Author

    i'm in heredur the name's deathacceptor i have killed mortis a lot of times :p i myslelf have the same problem as you do lol invite me if you go to mortis :) i just need that frag :p
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