Announcement A Guide to giving Feedback

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Allogeneous, May 23, 2015.

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  1. A Guide to giving Feedback

    Whenever there is a new release or an event, we ask you for your feedback. This is your opportunity to help influence and shape future releases and events. Specifically, we ask you to post about your experience/impression of the release/event, and to let us know what comments you have about it that you'd like to make. We welcome all constructive criticism/feedback (both positive and negative) and any ideas that you have regarding what could be improved. So, here is a clarification of what we (and Big Point) are specifically asking for...

    General release feedback

    What we are looking for in your feedback:
    ~ Your overall impression - good, ok or disappointing
    ~ What, specifically, lead you to that view?
    ~ What aspects of the release did you particularly like, and why?
    ~ What aspects of the release were you unimpressed with, and why?
    ~ What could have been done better, and how?

    Event feedback

    What we are looking for in your feedback:
    ~ Same as for General release feedback PLUS....
    ~ Which maps did you particularly like, and why
    ~ Which maps were you unimpressed with, and why?
    ~ What was your view of the difficulty of the event? Too fast/easy? To hard/slow? Or about right?
    ~ Did you find the event interesting, or was it a bit of a grind?
    ~ What, specifically, could be done to improve it?
    ~ What was your view of the rewards? New and interesting? Same old, same old? Ok, but a bit poor for the time/effort involved?
    ~ What rewards would you have preferred (no Lamborghini's or Ferrari's, sorry).?

    What we don't want (and what we are likely to delete)

    1) Requests for different content - e.g. level expansion, improved chat, combating chat spam, new character class, etc. Those ideas/requests belong in the Creative Corner.
    2) General and non-specific moan-athons
    3) Belligerent posts abusing or complaining about moderators and/or Big Point
    4) Spamming the same message across multiple threads or multiple times within the Feedback thread
    5) General waffle - i.e. non-feedback rambles. If it ain't feedback, don't post it in the Feedback thread.

    Please note: if you have had your post(s) removed from a Feedback thread, it will have been removed for non-compliance with one or more of the above points.
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