Suggestion Another Exp-Block Scrolls/Tomes Idea

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Aragorn018, Sep 27, 2015.

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  1. Aragorn018

    Aragorn018 Forum Apprentice

    Hello everyone,
    straight to the point my suggestion is simple: having the chance to buy items like exp-scrolls or tomes, but with the opposite effect, so instead of enhancing the amount of experience obtained, they would avoid taking any experience at all. This would be useful for those players who decided to play pvp at low levels (by which I mean lvl 30-39), but in order to avoid an abuse from lower lever players (< lvl 30) I would put a level requirement of 30 to be able to use those scrolls/tomes. About the price in andermants, I feel it should be way lower than the one of experience scrolls (or the duration way longer for the same price), since last ones are used for an extremely short period of time, instead those non-experience scrolls would be bought and used for a very long time (even indefinitely), so they would pay off in the long term.
    I already can see your anti-twinks hate growing, but give me a moment of your time and we'll try to figure out why, in my opinion, you shouldn't consider it as the source of all evils.
    Before you say anything, I have experience, as a former low-level player with my previous account, in both level 30s PvP and lvl 50 at end-game levels with many characters.
    One last request is that, if you wanna reply to this thread, please read my entire post and in case you still don't like my suggestion, explain me why, comments like "just level up" are plain dumb in my opinion.
    So, let's get to it:
    -"Twinks are a problem cause they discourage new players to play PvP and they make them quit the game."
    Fair enough, losing in PvP without standing a single chance is frustrating indeed, but first of all, I point out that this suggestion does not include PvP under level 30, so those level 2 knights of the order with level 40 gear won't get any benefit. Second, I don't find the cause-consequence relation "lose in PvP -> quit the game", so tight: many players would just keep leveling to reach as fast as they can the cap level, like most of us did with their first character ever. Last, let's not forget that a new player that reaches level 50 and starts playing pvp will get 99% of the time destroyed! What would you tell him then? Go farm or shop, right? That's the point, the endgame in Dso is not any of PvE-content, which can be easily trivialized, it's PvP, and it can be considered so at any level (of course, lvl 50 PvP IS the endgame, other levels pvp should be considered as the toughest challenge for that particular level): in the same way you wouldn't start a PvP fight at level 50 thinking you have a chance wearing only green equipment, you shouldn't think it would be enough at level 30; in the same way you wouldn't succeed killing herald in normal difficulty at level 30 wearing only green equipment (well actually you can, but it would take an awfully long amount of time), you can't expect to succeed in PvP fights. If you don't prepare yourself for what you're getting into, you likely won't be able to succeed.
    Which leads to my second point:
    -"Even if I gear up, some level 30 Flagbearer with crazy good gear will oneshot me."
    It may happen, but in order to verify how often this would happen I did a lot (by which I mean REALLY a lot) of testing about it, playing PvP at lvl 30s with shopped characters, only premium ones and plain free ones, with almost every class (sorry but dwarves bore me), with ranks starting from candidate to flagbearer, and you know what I discovered? Lvl 30 PvP matchmaking is way more balanced than the one at lvl 50: with my low ranked characters I rarely met anybody with a higher rank that centurion while with my higher ranked characters I rarely met anybody with a lower rank than knight of the order.
    You will say "what about those times you face someone who outranks you and outgears you?", and I would answer that this happens at level 50 too... matchmaking is not perfect, but once again, after having tested it, I feel it is more balanced at lvl 30s than at lvl 50.
    -"Players with low-level PvP characters are just kids with the need to kill everyone effortlessly and they stay at low level cause at cap level they would meet real challenges."
    When I hear a statement like that, I know the person I'm talking to has never actually played PvP at low levels: there are so many low level players with great ranks and gear, that the arena is almost as competitive as the cap level one. An outsider imagines that a level 30 Flagbearer meets only candidates and recruites everytime and spend his time wrecking them... that couldn't be more false. Once again, due to the big and always increasing number of players that choose to play PvP at low levels, matchmaking is the best I've seen so far in the three years I played this game. Many of them are players who don't have the time (or money) to build a character that would be as effective in PvP as if they reached level 50. They don't ruin anybody's PvP experience, since 99% of the time, they meet players with similar rank/gear.
    On the PvE side:
    -"Twinks, when they group with higher level players, don't earn the drops they're getting."
    I won't waste much time answering to this point because I find a statement like this quite short-sighted, anyway aside from the fact that many low level PvP players have better stats and can perform better than many higher level players, with my suggestion, grouping with higher level players wouldn't be needed anymore. Without mentioning that the idea of "earning" in a game that is so heavily pay to win as Dso, is preposterous.
    So, in conclusion, considering these facts and let's not forget the impressive amount of money that players with a low-level character donate (you might not like shoppers, but money's what keeps the game going), why would you think this is a bad suggestion?
    Constructive criticism is appreciated and i'm open to discuss about whatever your concern may be, but once again, I know it's long, but read the entire post if you wanna reply, I don't like repeating myself.
    Viklin likes this.
  2. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    No, no, no.
    Morinphen and _Baragain_ like this.
  3. Aragorn018

    Aragorn018 Forum Apprentice

    "Please read my entire post and in case you still don't like my suggestion, explain me why."
    "Constructive criticism is appreciated and I'm open to discuss about whatever your concern may be, but once again, I know it's long, but read the entire post if you wanna reply, I don't like repeating myself."

    I knew that after reading the words "block-exp" and"twinks", most people would just say no without even reading the whole post. If you don't have the time to read the whole post, save some more time and avoid replying at all, sterile comments as this one are of no use.
  4. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    Would you squeeze some of the upper semantics out of your block post, and try again? (I have some of the same habit to check.)

    There are a lot of college grads that play Drakensang, but the average U. S. high school graduate today reads at an 8th grade level. There are a large number of English-as-a-2nd-language readers. Google translator isn't up to translating your post. The national trend is 144 characters or less.

    I did suffer through several re-reads of the post. There is more information about you than your idea.
    The core idea has been beaten to death for years. Search Forums tells it all.
    A new presentation and more rhetoric do not change the decision set.
    And only moderators can decide what other people will or won't do on the forums. You are free to apply.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2015
  5. Aragorn018

    Aragorn018 Forum Apprentice

    I apologize if my post may result too heavy or obscure to read, but a I'm one of those English-as-a-2nd (3rd actually) language guy you mentioned.
    Anyway, obviously the post is about me, it is my very personal experience, I have no claim of objectivity, even thought as I said I tested it thoroughly. But may I point out that your answer is more about the form of my post, rather than its content. Apart from that, the fact that this suggestion keeps coming just shows that many players would like to have this feature in game, but most of the times, when a suggestion like this one pops out, the only comments it gets are generic "anti-twinks" statements. In order to avoid that, I felt the need to make such a long post answering in advance some of the evergreen comments that would eventually have been posted, since many of the persons against low-level PvP never personally experienced it in the first place, or have a completely twisted idea of it.
    And sure, only moderators can decide about people behaviours on the forums, but I strongly think than in order to answer to a post, you must read it first... I don't think that's such an utopian idea.
  6. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Reading so much explanations and text needs a very long answer ... i will try to make my answer as short as possible.

    BLASTUP likes this.
  7. There is already an excellent method of farming items from a wide variety of dungeons/bosses in the game in order to make your character stronger without gaining any XP at all. Level your character to 50. You're welcome.

    If you want the concept of XP-blocking buffs/potions to be seriously considered, you'd need to come up with a very good reason for it. I don't see that in the OP.
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