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Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by CM Greg, Jul 14, 2015.

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  1. napoleon106

    napoleon106 Forum Greenhorn

    Hi, dear Haruki , would like to ask you some questions about PVP side of the game. Once you (BP) reduced the effect of the fire dmg. by implementing "Dragon Shackles" and recently also by "Fiery Tracks" of Grimmag. Then you decrease the % dmg, of Fireball with some 15%-20% , and many of us (SW's) , start to use Frosen sphere at arena due to that . Now , by implementing new set and item(ring) from Q-8 ,you(BP) are gonna affect the other main dmg. SW's skill by giving to the rest of the classes opportunity to use those item/set and to decreases the ice dmg. with some 10%-15%, and that is not all. There is a bonus on the ring that reduces the duration of "Frost" and "Freeze" effects by 33% and with some honor points from the skill "Defiance" all is getting almost full immunity from stunning effects, and all that is a mass dissadvantage for the SW's in arena. Please, tell us , how that all fits to the balance over there......and why is that dissadvantage policy against our ( SW's) skills ????
  2. Lunasea

    Lunasea Forum Greenhorn

    This will be my last message , and i dont want to sound offensive , i just dont wanna make this thread even harder for the cm to read, with thousand messages of us talking to each other. So i will say this and stop.
    I dont know what your mage or your tank have. And i didnt wanna reach to the point to say this but i will.... --->
    A mage with 4-5.000euros on him, (plus the million anders jackpot) all items 55 lvl, all slots open with very good gems, with special gems, with nice speed in boots , with 70% armor 80% block 10k hp, weapon with 3 yellow numbers in %dmg, and full royal rubies on it, more than 50%critical, more than 210% crit dmg, lost like a recruit from a tank with items lvl 50....51....and few 53lvl.
    The mage with so much money spent and farm, did to the tank 300 dmg (best 1k dmg, which in less than 5 seconds the tank had restored in hp) and the tank with "charge" skill did 7k to the mage.
    Optional answer no1 from you : "Well mage has 1 handed, so no dmg"
    Answer from me to you : "tank has 1handed too. So why 7k with charge skill? both have equal block, and mage has no noob armor. How can someone be able to do so much dmg to you with shield and 1 hand, and you cant? ok he has resistance. But what about tanks` hits to the mage? why so much dmg with one hand?"
    Optional answer no2 from you : "Mage should play with 2handed".
    Answer from me : With endless stuns of tank, no way to play with 2handed. He will be immune as he runs to you faster, you cant stun him, he will stun you will teleport, he will stun you twice, you will use the frozen ice to unstun again, he will stun you third time, you cannot escape anymore, head crush (=broken armor) critical hit on you and you are dead."

    And for cm Haruki again (so that i dont post an irrelevant to her thread-message again) thank you very much for guide to new event, it was really nice to explain to us in details the event process. Keep up the good work and to all here, have a nice day.
  3. GodChronos

    GodChronos Forum Expert

    Have you ever seen such a mage? I dont remember hearing about one so far.
    LudiGrozd likes this.
  4. -HARRA81-

    -HARRA81- Forum Mogul

    Stats are very much doable and it has still little room for improvement :p (depending of the resist and speed) It is not common, but possible yes. Other things I don't comment. Only the stats wise.
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  5. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    I'll comment. It sounds like this mage doesn't know how to play the game.
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Agreed. I know a SW like that (hint: he's posted in this thread :p) and he regularly kicks DKs to the curb, both 1H and 2H... but such a things are expected from the top PvPer on the server because he doesn't just have the stats, but also the skills.
  7. LudiGrozd

    LudiGrozd Advanced

    Nice daydreaming. :p
  8. GodChronos

    GodChronos Forum Expert

    Are we talking about page 1 - 191?
  9. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Well, that would include him, but he's here and reading from time to time, and I respect him more than many other players I play with, and he has earned it.
  10. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Dude, you behave like a jerk, and you want people to touch on your issues? You are making false claims, guess you have no clue about the game. Lowering mage's damage DOES mean making it the lowest of all classes, as classes damage is balanced, with archers on top a little bit in terms of dpi with a smart setup. But of course you have no clue what smart setup is. So if you lower it, it becomes the lowest of all classes. The math is way to complex for kids, I know.

    On the MC, tell me a single skill of any class that is completely useless in PVP like you are suggesting to do with the mage's MC. Not the one no one uses because they dont like it, but one which is impossible to use even of you wanted?

    Thirdly, this game is known of tooltip issues, like this one. I wouldnt take everything literally.

    Fourth, where have you been years ago, when MC was designed?

    And last but not least, even though you are asking a specific person, it doesnt mean people cannot debate on your statements. You will sure get an answer from Haruki, but it doesnt mean everyone else should stand off and observe a private conversation of the special with the princess. Which one of you is not.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2016
    Lunasea and EhtovK like this.
  11. Brunken

    Brunken Forum Apprentice

    Just some reflections on this DK/SW balancing discussion.

    1. People compare stats between these classes like the classes would be the same but the DK always has one disadvantage to the mage/others : distance. This means that a DK usually needs to take a hit or two before he can even start fighting. Therefore making mage offence stats on items higher just because tank has better defense stats seems like a strange argument. With that logic maybe the DK needs a boomerang.

    2. A few pages back someone posted a video of how OP dks are. As an example he used a: lvl 50 DK with full q1, q3 (and q2?) sets all pumped to lvl 55 item levels, gems we can only speculate about. Anyway, I don't think this is the best DK to use for balancing simply because those are pretty strong sets and most DKs won't ever get those full sets... Myself (dk) and my fiance (sw) have been farming a few fatal Bosses/day almost everyday since those items came out and we both have 0 items from the quest sets. And if we gonna balance around videos I can record a match or two with my DK against a strong mage but then suddenly the sw would needs a hard nerf to "balance" things.

    Final point: I don't think any class is overly powerful right now. There are those that I rip to shreds and those who take my down before i can close the distance. . .
    daywaker2 likes this.
  12. -SirMadMan-

    -SirMadMan- Someday Author

    I agree. Every class has its strengths and weaknesses. It's all about picking the class which suits your play-style and then learning how to develop and play it properly. And that is what mostly distinguishes one character from another - not one class from another. Except for that damned Assassin class, of course. Big Point wrecked the game when they introduced those. Oh, how I hate those little buggers. Always sneaking up behind other players in stealth mode and scoring massive critical.... Hey, wait a sec... this isn't 2017, is it? Man, that's the last time I hitch a ride back in time in the Tardis with the Doctor while he's drunk!
  13. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Haruki, please please please do not 'improve' dragan event. This is the only remaining event people enjoy. Rollback those changes that are on the test server... please. You are killing this game
    CHImeraNa, Heaven, EhtovK and 3 others like this.
  14. -{Gabriel}-

    -{Gabriel}- Active Author

    Why does your game lag so much ???? WHY ?
    Ask your support people they are useless don't you think people clear caches and do things before they contact you ?
    I am totally pissed because I got Premium for your dunes event which by the way is the worst event you have tried for 4 years in my opinion
    Maybe you want more money off people is my guess for useless Teir stuff to clog up inventories
    You have done 2 reasonable events in the last little bit New Wolf Event is great Last Dragan event was brilliant as well
    Your new Witch event is boring too much grinding for no rewards
    Sorry DSO but your game is going backwards and trying to make people spend real life dollars to do boring grinding events when we need to work and have a real life is not going to work
    Another dumb thing that your developers have done was drop Cardhun from 30 to 10 that is the dumbest thing you ever done
    Dropping from 40 to 30 when level cap moved to 45 was yeah ok but 50's running with level 10's ? Seriously ?
  15. Mops413

    Mops413 Forum Apprentice

    some questions:

    1. what are devs thoughts about the current DoD event, now after seeing the feedback? I hope for a rework
    2. do they plan to fix SW Mind Control bugs, happening when used in combos with other spells like Singularity, in the near future?
    3. are there any plans for quest item "compression" like it's been suggested for some time now? Like a separate bag for event items/quest items/etc...
    4. I hope Ice Missile gets buffed or replaced, I have no idea what it is for..

    5. I was looking for the info about it but didn't find any..
    Ok, I'm confused here - why is the forum designed so that the only way to log in and post is to sit at my PC, start the game and then enter the forum? I'm sure there is some reason i'm not getting yet, but wouldn't it be better if we could use out phones to log in here as well? I don't see why not...
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2016
  16. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    What changes?
    Those changes were made in the previous version.
    In this version there are small changes that are actually improvement to the last version:
    1. Players get enchanted stone and weapon part from the challenge progress
    2. Cursed pearls are now picked up automatically like gold and andermant
    3. Now you can select Castle's difficulty when entering from Kingshill (no more door for painful map inside ... next to Fox)
    4. Those 10% damage buffs (probably others too) stack more than 10

    Are there any changes that I am not aware of?
    If you are talking about the drops (x5 drakens, no more 100% gear items drops) those changes were made in the previous version.
    I can't resist but quoting Jason again:
    That is what they said when making those changes (COT removal) ... as you can see ... this game is not about grinding anymore. No grinding needed for crafting, no grinding needed to play any event ... no grinding needed for anything.
    Sometimes I ask myself this BigPoint or GrindingGears we are talking about :D
    viktorg likes this.
  17. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    It's DrakenGrind Online.

    This Jason likes grinding:
    Another type of grinding tho.
  18. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    I heard that the drop rate of the pearls was drastically decreased, also the statues are now more expensive they used to be, mini event progress also god harder due to a lower drop etc. Hopefully, you are right and my info is inaccurate.
  19. EhtovK

    EhtovK Old Hand

    I read the same thing in the german forums, they were saying that the drop of cursed pearls was nerfed by ~60%, the rest of the info I was unaware of.

    Now, this is an actual question, when are we going to have events with mechanics that are NOT designed for Asian Botensang?

    The devs might have forgotten we're human players on these servers, we eat, sleep, work, and so on, and we do not have (nor want, in my personal case) an autoplay feature, but you keep giving us events designed to be completed effectively with autoplay feature, what-the hell?

    And don't even bother denying it, there's plenty of people using math in the feedback threads pointing out the insane grind and the ridiculously huge amount of time required by recent events, New New Moon, "Dunes of Desertion" and if what rumors say about Dragan are true, you're extending the botensang-like-design tentacles everywhere and we're sick of it.

    SUPERDOUPER Junior Expert

    dks have almost unlimited stuns , masive hp and hp regen ,block ,armor and etc, mages dont stand a chance against a dk, either dks need to be nerfed or mages need to get more powerful
    Lunasea likes this.
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