Discussion about the "fixed" Daily deal exploit

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Diatron, Feb 16, 2018.

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  1. Icke

    Icke Forum Greenhorn

    I can see here in this Forum you are more trustful, that BP is doing a good job in this case (its too long ago and i forgot the point they made their job well - if this ever happend). Let´s hope all is going well, and at this point, we should say good bye to the one or other on friendslist.
  2. DJBarman

    DJBarman Active Author

    Dont know how will the ban script work so ill ask this question because it brought my attention on polish forum . If a bot/bug/exploit user deletes his account right before the ban wave and after a week he writes to the support to give him back his toon because he deleted it by mistake will it still be banned ? :D
  3. Bot users think they are clever, but they will still be banned. The script is ran against all registered account and characters, even deleted ones. If a deleted account used the bug, it is marked as such and will not be returned to the cheater.

    That said, there will be a great many people who try this method anyway because they heard the same rumor as you. Support is well aware and is expecting these sorts of requests along with all the botters who say "But I never used the bot before," or "It was just for 5 minutes because I was curious," or "My brother borrowed my account and he must have used the bot."
  4. Shansurri

    Shansurri Active Author

    I'm waiting for the backlash when people pipe up with, 'But I just bought this account last week!'
  5. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    It's their fault, account buying is against the rules as well
    And them being low iq and trusting strangers is their fault too
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I think that comment was rhetorical.
    Shansurri likes this.
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