Suggestion Q6 set,set-bonus

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Veηom, May 27, 2018.

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  1. Veηom

    Veηom Forum Apprentice

    Whenever I think of the PWs one thing comes to mind: endless farming.It is trully rewarding, but it can get tedious at times.New qs and features give a new lease of life to the pws,so I figured it's time to start brainstorming on how these new implementations should be.

    Q6: It's not a new one obviously,but it is the only one without a set,set-bonus,which would make the entire q,far more interesting.Since all the PW sets consist of 2 items,this one should too.Ideally the first part would be the old Helmet/Cap of Death/Death Mask and the other one would be the "Cloak of forgotten souls".They could have some unique values on them,offering improved critical hit rate and/or (critical) damage .The set bonus would offer:

    2 parts: +10% andermagic resistance
    2 parts: ? +5% ? increased weapon damage 1h or 2h(I figured it should add that in order to compensate for the possible losses of an incomplete Dragan set,especially for the q7 users).
    2 parts: Casting Wolf Pack/Furious battle cry/Steam conductor/Mind control, ignites "Mortis circular spinning weapon attack"above you (I can't explain it better than that),dealing ? 500% ? of your base damage as andermagic damage to all enemies in a range of 6 meters(pvp 3 meters).For every foe hit by the attack,there is a 100% possibility that an "angry soul" will emerge near that enemy.Each "angry soul" would deal ? 250 % ? of one's base damage as andermagic damage for ? 10 ?seconds."Mortis circular spinning weapon attack"(a better name must be found fast:D) would have a cooldown of ? 60 ? seconds.

    That ability won't deal critical hits,whilst the "angry souls",would.Therefore,the "angry souls" would have a really low survivability to compensate that.The items would be probably crafted with solid or dark cores(if the dark ones were added as a drop from Mortis).

    Here are some questions I 'd like you to answer:

    1: Is the idea of the q6 set,being a helmet and a cloak convenient?Or (if it is ever implemented) it 'd be faced by indifference,because it would render the Dragan set incomplete for many players?What items would you suggest the set consisted of?
    2: Is the set(the way I suggested it)ok?Would you change/add/remove any ability?Would you change the cooldown,the damage,the skills that activate it and /or anything else I set ?

    Let me know your earnest opinion.:)


    The maximum number of "angry souls" that could emerge would be 3.
    Last edited: May 27, 2018
  2. meurerplay

    meurerplay Someday Author

    Veηom likes this.
  3. Integrity

    Integrity Forum Apprentice

    i expect that bp will make a set and add a chest after killing mortis, i really hope so at least. if i remember correctly, medusa was dropping mortis ring at some time, she didnt have a set neither did khalys.

    some new variation of mortis death mask would be great. as a god of ?death? i suppose the set items´ unique values and bonuses should be heading towards damage/critic offense chainsaw killing everything style. I would really appreciate if it was designed the way old sargon items were. Huge offence in cost of reducing defense. Adornment was +1000 critics value and -35% armor value if i remember correctly, something this way styled would be amazing in my opinion

    maybe make the mortis ring a 1/2 part of the set? it is really hard to replace some part of the gear, since the dragan equipment seems like inevatibility to deal some dmg
    Last edited: May 27, 2018
    Veηom likes this.
  4. ChristopherPapakaliatis

    ChristopherPapakaliatis Forum Apprentice

    "MORTIS' SCYTHE SLASH" Sounds better to me. +1 To everything.
    Veηom likes this.
  5. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    The set will be reworked because they said they will do that.
    The suggestion is laughable ... at least.
    1. Helmet and cloak ... i don't think so.
    2. 500% andermagic damage + ((250% over 10 seconds) for every hit foe and you could hit 20+) is a product of your wildest dreams :D
    This kind of broken sets are the main reason why PvP is broken.
    Medusa was never dropping RoD. She was dropping it only on TS because it was just a placeholder.
    Also ... M'Edusa always had a set from the start.
    Not a single PW ring is a part of a set.
  6. Veηom

    Veηom Forum Apprentice

    I didn't know that.Could you be so kind as to show me where they said that they 'll do so?

    But anyway the point is that I wanted us to come up with some ideas about how the set would be,instead of just waiting.

    Well,no one would force you to use the set.What may not work for you,might work perfectly for someone else.Whenever a new set arrives ,if you 're planning to use it,it is inevitable that you 'll change your build in a way that it fits you.Ever since q7 showed up,the majority of the players have been only making builds with it's items.Q9 set was faced by indifference.So was Q5.That's because these 2 ,both needed a piece from dragan's equipment.So does this set as I proposed it.However,if it is equally strong or stronger than the Dragan set,someone might go for it instead.Some diversity is needed after all.

    Even so,I 'd like to know what items would you propose.

    I know I should have explained it,but I thought it was obvious that by using the question marks before and after the numbers,I wanted to show that I'm not sure at all if these were the values they should have and that they are adjustable.That's why I wanted your help after all.And you ,did help me(thanks).I will edit right now that the maximum number of Souls that could emerge would be 3.The fact that i hadn't restrained the number of souls that could appear,trully made it "OP".The seemingly high damage however,is there to compensate for the losses in the overall damage one would deal with an incomplete dragan set.In boss fights,probably 1-2 souls would appear at a time,if you were close enough for them to appear that is.Ofcourse the damage is always adjustable.In pvp,the range should be way shorter,the 3 meters I set,seems fine.Furthermore, the soul's low survivability would render them one-hit in PVP,if they appeared,so the set could in no way be called OP and game-breaking.I wanted to share how it would function for me ideally.The numbers can be adjusted anytime.

    Apart from the Alliance one.Since it can be dropped in the pw it could be considered as a pw's set.
    Last edited: May 27, 2018
  7. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Like I said ... not a single PW ring is a part of a set.
    Valor and Vigilance of the Alliance are not even dropping in PW.
  8. Shansurri

    Shansurri Active Author

    God forbid a player have to choose between Dragan and another set. (sarcasm font).

    I think the set bonuses are OP, but it's a neat idea.
    Veηom likes this.
  9. Integrity

    Integrity Forum Apprentice

    i have seen the picture showing q9 gate with mortis ring as a possible drop only once in some video. at that time i wasnt playing the game, so i didnt even consider the possibility it was a test server.

    i dont think that the fact PW rings aren´t parts of sets is an arguement that it can´t be implemented.

    q1 shoes + adornment
    q2 amulet + 1h weapon
    q3 helmet + shield
    q4 belt + 2h weapon
    q5 helmet + pauldrons
    q7 gloves + 2h
    q8 adornment + torso
    q9 amulet + shoes

    witch - helmet, pauldrons, torso, belt
    spider - cloak, shoes, adornment, 1h weapon
    blood - ring, belt, amulet, 2h weapon
    wolf - helmet, 1h weapon, offhand (shield? i am not sure i always melt this set without even noticing) and the last part amulet/adornment or what this set offers...
    dragan 2h - helmet, gloves, shoes, ring
    dragan blocks - torso, pauldrons, cloak.
    darkness - all the right side
    cube - amulet, ring, adornment, 1h weapon, shield

    right now i think i have mentioned all the RELEVANT sets. pardon me if i forgot about something

    If i counted it correctly parts of the above mentioned sets are divided:
    Amulet 4
    Cloak 2
    Belt 3
    Ring 3 (dont forget there are 2 ring slots so this might me considered as 1.5)
    Adorment 5
    1h weapon 4
    2h weapon 3
    shield 3
    Shoes 5
    Gloves 3
    Torso 4
    Pauldrons 4
    Helmet 6

    Making a q6 set contain helmet i think is very bad idea when we consider in how many sets helmet is included. I really like the design of it, but screw it when set parts are divided this stupidly. Few years ago when the max cap was 45 i remember that one of my guildmates said that there is way too much uniques right now XD My arguement was that there is never gonna be way too much uniques, since your gear can be built only by 12/13 items(12 with 2handed, 13 onehanded + offhand). And I still believe in this. Lets say this game will survive several years and new parallels and some event sets will be developed. If ALL THOSE SET PARTS would be divided for example 8 pieces of each gear for a different set (I hope its understandable), i think it would an ideal situation.
  10. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Q6 has to contain an helmet and an amulet, they need to put back the death mask and the amulet of death
  11. Veηom

    Veηom Forum Apprentice

    If it's damage/cooldowns were adjusted properly,it would be one of the most well-balanced sets.The set of Mortis has to be something exceptional. (I 'd like to see the idea the others proposed = Mortis mask and/or amulet being contained in the set being implemented as well).
    Shansurri likes this.
  12. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Just a quick note.
    We have been given confirmation that Mortis' items are coming back in the game very soon.
    That is not all, Mortis is getting Parallel World Trader and chest.

  13. Moot

    Moot Active Author

    It's about time... when noone needs the mortis ring anymore cuz behemoth no longer takes speed, and there are much better options if you don't need the AS so much :D
  14. Veηom

    Veηom Forum Apprentice

    That's great news!As long as the set is not weak nor game-breaking and the bonus is worth it ,it that is.The items are absolutely fabulous...I can't wait!

    P.S. will it be before the pvp rebalance?is there any info on when approximately?Thanks in advance.
  15. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Maths is an opinion after all, like very soon
  16. Veηom

    Veηom Forum Apprentice

    That's what they said about release 209 as well , half a year ago:rolleyes:.
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