Feedback Dark Legacy is here!

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Dec 3, 2020.

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  1. Monkey

    Monkey Forum Great Master

    Developers do you know that the magician singularity does not work on bosses? maybe it's enough to break the magicians already?
    for what purposes was the mage given the blood mage skill if it cannot be used? you at least check what you are doing xd.
    tozagol, CH1976 and Lokich like this.
  2. eduardoxeneize

    eduardoxeneize Someday Author

    Hello everyone, this will bring more imbalance than before since the real gems that cost me so much and took me years are now insignificant
  3. Vedmak1974

    Vedmak1974 Forum Apprentice

    The game started dying since the release of 220Bа Dark Legacy is the last killing shot!) I personally am not going to re-swing from scratch, where this update threw me! It's just not interesting! Instead of new content, we became noobs dying from one-shot! ... RIP DSO! Thank you for several years of fun!
  4. stacker99

    stacker99 Forum Master

    Yeah, you are damn right - craft is crap... I've just tryed every combo I've tested few days ago - 4 items same type and same/diff lvl don't work...
    tozagol and trakilaki like this.
  5. DamarèRo

    DamarèRo Padavan

    The truth is + 10 mana(concentration) with each KILL not HIT !!

    The rangers are **** :) u know!
    I drop the game for the moment, i will just login sometimes to see if anything has changed !!
    tozagol and FAALHAAS like this.
  6. psywarg

    psywarg Forum Apprentice

    I am a bit confused here, they said:
    "Dark Legacy will contain 18 new unique maps with different variations and additional mini-dungeons! There will be Labyrinths to explore and secrets to reveal!" ~DSO FB
    Q: Is there more content to be added to the CE? Or am I missing something?

    "Wilderness and dungeon maps will contain an improved scaling system that makes solo and group play more challenging and fun!" ~DSO FB.
    Q: What is the new scaling system? I see the challenging part, what is the fun part?

    Also, can anyone let me know if the bosses are suppose to be immune to skill/mastery debuffs and stuns after the hp shield breaks. So many bugs, not sure what is intended anymore. Ty.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2020
    tozagol, ргцт and FAALHAAS like this.
  7. Atmacaselo

    Atmacaselo Someday Author

    Can anyone finish the daily task? What is the meaning and purpose of the daily task?
    1: Keeping the player warm to the game.
    2: To give the player the necessary items for his development.
    3: To ensure that the player is in the game on a daily basis, that is, continuity.
    4: You are wrong. A management that does not want to give these, says if you want, give it, take the money.
    5: So far everything was free and we even gave PREMIUM from time to time so you can get used to it.
    6: Now it is useful to cool the player from the game with the new patch.
    With the Hell series, I would travel alone on the map and improve my skills with falling ANCIENT INFORMATION.
    Now these are dreams; Let's not deceive ourselves. Can no longer develop a single player. I would be happy with the falling items that cut the Karanpus, even though it was fatal in the winter event, now I can't even go in and cut normally even though the red core is attached. 83 levelim boss 88 level damage has been reduced, my boss has been strengthened, my runes have been entered, my boss's strengthened gem stones have been decreased and the boss has been strengthened.
    Now, if anchoring day has come, it goes from the port to the unknown ...
    If the char sale on the "owner" site has exploded, maybe there are some people who are not aware of it, it's a shame your managers.
    In exchange for 2 gum, I will give my account to anyone who wants it, but now it's so valuable.
    tozagol and kerad19711 like this.
  8. goawaythenob

    goawaythenob Forum Greenhorn

    Did someone mentioned about wisdom points before? I'm not going to read through all posts. Anyway, yeah, it's going to take forever to get to lvl 300. At least put it in daily as guaranteed reward.
    tozagol likes this.
  9. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    Their "18 unique maps" probably refers to Suburbs of Cardhun and everything beyond that. At least, that's what they showed on preview. The "labyrinth" likely refers to the PITA Twisted Woods.

    As for scaling system... the level of the monsters are calculated based on average player level in group plus whatever modifiers from the difficulty chosen (eg. Painful +5, Excru +10...). I dunno if I should point out that this makes leveling super easy and also events should be played with a low level buddy or 4 now so you can have it EZ. xD
    trakilaki likes this.
  10. Nostalgiac

    Nostalgiac Advanced

    This is not the full extent of the problem... new characters won't even get to level 20! And try to see your stats on XP level 100 with just 20 level wisdom, no matter if you have full plat lv 145 uniques...

    Oh, and the runes are no longer available for coins, so a new player probably won't ever get to buy one.
    tozagol likes this.
  11. CoZdor

    CoZdor Forum Apprentice

    What's the situation with attack speed? I put an attack speed plat line on my medallion and it went to -2mil% . My attack speed didn't increase at all. Then I tested it by putting an attack speed plat line on a random weapon and it worked.

    Am I missing something here? Aren't I meant to put att speed lines on my medallion or is this a bug?

    Thanks in advance.
    tozagol likes this.
  12. Khrone

    Khrone Someday Author

    Don't worry, they added a money-grab package for such situations! :D 125€ in Czechia

    Edit: Apparently it's 200€ in Germany.
    tozagol likes this.
  13. gbit

    gbit Forum General

    You must have attack speed as base Stat in the medallion... If you don't have that stat, the plat line works on nothing because the enchantment is "+As on this item".
    And this is true for every enchantment now.
    I bet your random weapon have a base line with attack speed.
    tozagol likes this.
  14. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    It doesn't matter, since most of the time you wouldn't be able to complete them anyway.
    Much of the expansion and quests are closed into the sargon event, so not even that.

    Also, the drop rate of everything has been nuked, this is especially bad.

    There's no enjoyment in farming now.
    How are we supposed to get resources to deal with high difficulties if the drop rates are so bad?
    ргцт likes this.
  15. ргцт

    ргцт Active Author

    i can give a pretty good tip to everyone: don't play the game if you don't like the new EPIC drop .. i play for like 20mins a day and i feel so good atm ..

    btw. next hotfix in January :D :D :D :D :D :D
    tozagol and kerad19711 like this.
  16. cogix

    cogix Regular

    actually the description of the enchantment is " xxx% faster weapon attack speed ", so supposedly you should be able to apply it to each item you want, but it will reflect to the weapon.
    I tried to apply the attack speed on my gloves (as it was before CE) and it did not work. The only place it worked is on the weapon itself, but according the description it should be everywhere. Otherwise would be written " xxx% increase attack speed in this item".
    According me it is a bug or wrong description of the enchantment
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2020
    ргцт and gbit like this.
  17. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    Sorry but traki is right, they removed 4 items of the same type crafting
    I semi understand why they did this but I am also disappointed in it at the same time.
    See the thing is if I used 4x plat base cloaks all with crit as and dmg the result would be an offensive cloak with plat base values
    and I dont like it much because this was one of the first hurdles I hit when when crafting
    a player is still unable to make an offensive shield legendary from pinks because they do not register on the bench

    ooof ig your results failed horribly, because its not possible

    as for offensive shields they dont have random stats maybe rng powered base values but all non unique offensive shields have crit attack speed and damage in base

    2h weapons still rule the game ofc
    to put it lightly a battle shield and mace combined can have the same base damage as a 2h axe, bit more speed though, but not much
    more or less the same crit if you use an axe and a shield
    around 7k damage if you use q2 axe and a off shield
    whereas q4 comes in at 15k damage and 3k crit
    unbeatable, unless there is some OP bonus damage on the shield
    havent tried ghost shield but I doubt the 25%? from it will be any good in comparison
    where it does come in handy to be 1h at first is the attack speed
    you can easily attain 4.00 which gives the damage buff
    and 6.00 which allows the damage buff to stack at 6 per crit.
    yes the description is wrong as its per crit and not per hit
    but dont take my word for it:


    well no
    it is on this item and it is described wrong, if you use it in gloves with base attack speed and zircons in it, it will work
    it also works on these:


    true its not but battle shields serve the same purpose as quivers, and shields the same purpose as bucklers
    1 being offensive and the other being defensive
    quivers and battle shields has 3x base offensive values if non unique now
    shields and bucklers other than the hp difference once again same values more or less
    and btw yk this but for those who dont
    mace has more dmg and less speed
    axe has crit and base speed and lower base dmg
    sword has less base dmg and much more base speed
    iow other than being 1h they are totally different
    this concept in dso also applies to 2h and all classes has a variant such as the axe the mace and the sword but on other classes they are just dubbed the same name for idk even what purpose
    imo they could have named a siege bow with crit in base a battle siege bow, and a siege bow with sword level damage a light siege bow
    same with a heavy siege bow
    staves a light staff a battle staff and a heavy staff, so as to allow for players of other classes to differentiate between item base value types
    not too sure what it would be named for mecs
    shotguns cannons and rifles?

    I swear it looked like per crit and it does half the time.
    the damage buff I mean
    a friend of mine, just informed me its not per crit its just the buff itself is literally bugged...
    It stops stacking from time to time
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2020
    gbit and rcch like this.
  18. Nethielle

    Nethielle Padavan

    Totally unplayable.
    Today I reset game 3 times before being able to play.
    Then I play 1 map, reset to city and crash again, latency spring up to 1500 ms and I can only restart the game.
    And every time I go back to any city it crashs the lile.
    And it happens since october.

    Totally unplayable.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 16, 2020
    tozagol and ]wanted[ like this.
  19. rcch

    rcch Advanced

    Is this true? extra stacking if u have speed over 6?
  20. stacker99

    stacker99 Forum Master

    It is for speed 4+ every hit (probably crit hit) stacks up to 100 and then is activated buff +100% dmg (with same limitations - onlu for pure damage, not dor %%). With my DK I hit up to 7 and buff is almost permanent.
    rcch and gbit like this.
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