Feedback Worst Update ~ Ruined Game

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by TheBullFroG, Dec 3, 2020.

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Should Bigpoint bring back old DSO?

  1. Yes I want old DSO

  2. No new is good

  1. Dirysin

    Dirysin Forum Apprentice

    I totally agree. Farming was relaxing and a chance to chill. Stacking up cores to increase tiers provided goals bit that's gone now. I don't even know how to play the game now. I don't understand anything about it.
  2. sibano

    sibano Padavan

    Dso Dead :D
    tozagol, OPΛ, cigarbennett and 4 others like this.
  3. TheBullFroG

    TheBullFroG Forum Greenhorn

    Hello there friend, I’m really happy to see people that are with my side, unfortunately things won’t change as we can see so we have two options, either keep up playing and hope to get where you was or just move to another game
    tozagol, ntoritsa and Teradura like this.
  4. god47ak

    god47ak Junior Expert

    It feels so good NOT playing dso 10 hour each day.
    Done wasting my life.
    tozagol, ntoritsa and Teradura like this.
  5. salihsaral

    salihsaral Forum Greenhorn

    since 6 years I'm playing this game. just ı can say ; ı m not gonna be a beginner again at this game. my caracter was ranger. now ı feel its more like animal trainer. bees , wolfs , treess ...:))

    PLAKASIZ Padavan

    why? this update be greatest. you all wrong. they knows best things !!!

    ye ye ok ok i'm drunk and i don't have any idea for my says :cool::cool::confused::confused:

    6 ''no new is good'' vote to mod's? can be :D:D:D:D:D:D
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2020
    tozagol, hacker09897 and TheBullFroG like this.
  7. max-le-terrible

    max-le-terrible Forum Greenhorn

    Me, it’s over I don’t play it anymore! I pass on the forum to see if there is change, but apparently not. So I continue my quest to find another game but not at Big Point
  8. ргцт

    ргцт Active Author

    there simply won't be any major changes .. atleast not in 2020 .. they are already enjoying their Christmas holidays which they can affort due to our invested money ... just don't pay anymore and let them bankrupt ... they might change many things and much faster if that happens (most probably) ...
    tozagol and ntoritsa like this.
  9. ntoritsa

    ntoritsa Forum Greenhorn

    more players more money,less players less money.with the new release they lost really lots of players witch means less deluxe for them and not only.
  10. Orange_George

    Orange_George Padavan

    yep i agree with all that has been stated here
    the game i loved sence 2012 has taken a turn for the worst
    i really do not think i will be investing anything more in $
    and for now a lot less time playing

    --- MERGED ---

    time to look for a new and player friendly game
    not this
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 21, 2020
  11. damatta

    damatta Someday Author

    R.I.P D.S.O
  12. steve2504

    steve2504 Forum Greenhorn

    Update to help new players... yea i see now i can't gain xp
    In the past it was normal to level up 1 lvl per week, now it's like 2-3 weeks to beat from 45 to 46 with bonuses
    This game is made only for hard no-life players who spend 6 hours per day with grinding
    Grinding is not an option to keep players, ofc RNG exists but EDIT
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 4, 2021
    tozagol likes this.
  13. sefu79

    sefu79 Forum Apprentice

    oh no with new CE you will have 10 gems per item but best thing you can upgrade 1 gem at max in 1 year of farming gems for dust so stop complain you have nothing to do in this game\

    thx dso master minds live in your company !
    tozagol likes this.
  14. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Old Hand

    Hi again. I started playing CE with eager, but it took me 1 day to see that nothing was ready... no quest, no story... equipment that didn't work as it did before, runes useless... like a week later once you finish chapter 1 same again, with bugs in quest and a long list every body knows it. Like one month later i finished all quest those one is possible to do with 2 of my characters, but i'm gonna leave them there and maybe i'm gonna play with my 3rd character wainting for someday chapter 2 is available cos i decided not to rise my characters to 100 since events are spoiled farming is boring now and want to give me more time to me now... i'm gonna take daily rewards for connections and nothing else...

    As a "wise" man said once: the more i know DSO the more i love my dog...
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2021
    tozagol likes this.
  15. OPΛ

    OPΛ Forum Apprentice

    Keep spamming fireballs and use red ess - this is the new DSO :cool:
    tozagol likes this.
  16. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Old Hand

    Hi again. Today, after the 4th January when i wrote my last post, i finished with all my 3 toons the main quest and side quest. now i need to wait for the sargon event to go on with story. from this time we only received from DSO appologise about the buggs and everything but nothing is mended when they already knew this game is borken almost 1 moth before xmas, and that is not enogh that now we are smashed by the hammer of people who use buggs… as i said above, from now, i'm gonna go in to activate my account with my 3 toons and nothing else.

    Thank DSO
  17. lesbrou

    lesbrou Forum Greenhorn

    [other language content removed]
    Please we need the old Dso... it was amazing but with this CE its the end of dso.
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 13, 2021
    tozagol likes this.
  18. Kernelly

    Kernelly Junior Expert

    Last updates aren't bad. The main problems of the game are bugs (talents, visual, events and more) and sometimes balance (PvP, talents and moreee). One way or another, it's pretty weird everyone is so mad all of the sudden. The game was never bugless, it always had some problems, but they were fixed, new appeared when they released new content and it also got patched anyway. You all complain about new CE with a ton of lore, content, items, free bonus codes, bonus quest rewards after fixing the bugs. What are you even complaining about now. Every comment is different and no one seems to know what's the real problem. I am for one glad that Bigpoint is creating new awesome maps, dope items, interesting lore and evolve the game systems. I have no idea why is everyone so rude and NEGATIVE towards the recent changes. Although I understand that bugs and balance might be annoying.
  19. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Can you scientifically prove it or it is just your opinion?
  20. .lucas2013.89

    .lucas2013.89 Forum Greenhorn

    Man it is very normal for a game to show errors, but the dso is full of errors, in everything, but the worst thing that seems incredible is not even the errors but defective tools, such as the price of runes ??, the drop of infernal fragments ??, clearly even someone very stupid can realize that whoever devised these mechanisms never even entered the game, "is it very strange that everyone gets so mad all of a sudden"? what do you do in the game ?, stand still in the city ?, I saw your comments on several posts, I agree with just one thing you said, the idea of the game is good, but whoever is managing the updates should not even remember the name of the game, it sucks, some servers have no more than 12 players online, and you don't know why everyone is complaining? you must already have a handful of hellish passages, fragments of a sphere ...) so you are defending this clowning, "evolving the game system" the pvp is worse than ever, we went back to lvl 50, where the first one killed, you can't mirror your skill across the class, you just take a missed shot and die. Today when I enter the game I will look for the new amazing maps, because, until today I have not seen them, I found only tedious and forgotten maps that in their entirety have errors, the game is totally unbalanced, full of errors and every day with fewer players . I am very disgusted by players like you, if the bp puts a blank screen in front of you and says that it is the new update you will defend it to the death, stop being content with crumbs like these useless codes, I have a lot money, and most of the players who support this game must also have it, we don’t want to be rewarded with 3 days of VIP (best code of the PB), we just want to have fun without having to play until our fingers bleed to get something useless.
    tozagol and 1vanka like this.