Feedback Dark Legacy is here!

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Dec 3, 2020.

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  1. gbit

    gbit Forum General

    As 4 - 4,5 1 stack per hit
    As 4,5 - 5 2 stack per hit
    As 5 - 5,5 3 stack per hit
    As 5,5 - 6 4 stack per hit
    And so on...
    When you reach 100 stack, you will receive a buff: +100% damage for 30 sec (or 20, I don't remember).
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2020
    rcch likes this.
  2. rcch

    rcch Advanced

    Thanks to all for info. I knew only about the 4 speed. Not that it can further be enhanced.
    gbit likes this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Please let all new players know NOT to buy this.

    They get lvl55 and run into a HUGE wall.....what an unbelievable way of scamming new players. BP should be ashamed of themselves.
  4. kuwabaraz

    kuwabaraz Forum Duke

    After some tests we are the usual with the Dk, you reduce your character to a larva without damage, but you do not go anywhere, if you aim for damage being a melee class you do not go anywhere. Nobody cares about having Dk in a group, except in the beginning because they bet everything on damage and even so they play big without this class!

    Is this balance?

    Removed Dk's most important skill from dragon skin, immunity to negative effects, each boss and champion's achievement after a certain level takes your life in one hit and breaks armor continuously, blocks don't come counted, go to map 1 q3 and between bosses and archers' ice blasts always block you.

    What tests did you take in class to not see this stupid thing?

    The conditions of this class wreck have not improved, if ever significantly worsened not to mention those eye-damaging blasts of fire!
    tozagol, 1vanka, cogix and 1 other person like this.
  5. Nalucitura

    Nalucitura Forum Apprentice

    I've reached lvl 100 quite fast. I was given 15k infernal passes after CE update so I went on to open some amphorae in bloodshed xmas map. I managed to get a Starlight 140 and Dragon Wings set + more lvl 140 stuff. I farmed desert bloodshed and got a lot of 140 items as well. I also went on and farmed q1 bloodshed circle for some 145 phatz (Riddle dropped + Starlight again). I maxed out some of my gems and runes from all the surplus I had and in the end I got ..let's say a ''decent'' setup going. Compared with what I had tho it's practically nothing...Our characters have been stripped of everything and given the ''opportunity'' to rethink our setups from all the new changes...But the changes are chaotic to say the least. One big handicap is that we can't upgrade item lvls anymore. This makes PW items (lvl 145 max) > everything else (correct me if i'm wrong). Also, items from cubes like Lost Legacy Uniques + alot more will be max at lvl 100..A lot of quests bugged...Daily Quests don't work....And the most ridiculous thing (i've said it before and i'll say it again) is the HUGE ''RAID LIKE'' HP on bosses.... Seriously, don't force me to play in full groups If I want to kill a boss. Some of us play casually and at a slow pace cuz of jobs. Practically you can't solo these bosses, unless you are masochistic and want to spend hours killing them so you can get lame purple and blue items...

    I don't know guys...The spark is not there anymore...I feel like I'm playing a different game in early beta...
    tozagol, Steve75, PixeOne and 3 others like this.
  6. ргцт

    ргцт Active Author

    well .. i am a masochist since i've created a brand new char = DK and i am doing 0 dmg and it's kinda hard to kill anything solo .. it would be okay if there would be some players on low lvl to play with aswell but there aren't any .. low level is just dead .. there are only players with lvl 55-100 and a few ppl which are flexing at low lvl with OP stats/items/pvp titles ..... so progressing to lvl 100 as a new player takes a looot of time .. the worst thing is that you need lvl 30 for wisdom tree so you are just a slow and low noob until then .. but it's not much better after lvl 30 since getting wisdom as a new player is just impossible .. it will take me like 5 years until i will get to wisdom lvl 300 even if i play 6hrs a day .. impossible for a regular mmorpg player ..
    tozagol likes this.
  7. Arr

    Arr Forum Expert

    increase socketable onyx limit to 50

  8. Monkey

    Monkey Forum Great Master

    Why haven't the sorcerers' singularity been fixed yet? How to play your broken game if one of the main skills does not work in it? When will there be a fix and compensation for magicians !?
    tozagol likes this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    You get compensation if other classes also get such OP skill :)
    tozagol likes this.
  10. Monkey

    Monkey Forum Great Master

    Did you mean if other classes will also have broken armor break skills?
    In this case, yes, let them also receive compensation.
    Small example:
    I kill a bear during the winter action 4-5 times slower than a bow / gnome / warrior, while spending more essences, much more. And all due to the fact that the Singularons of mages does not work on the barefoot. I value my time and want to get a comparable level of play with other classes, and not spend more essences and time for the same boss.
    tozagol likes this.
  11. linco1

    linco1 Forum Apprentice

    Singularity + ice missile = almost infinite slowness (boss).
    Op combo, the bosses hardly react.
    It is more expensive (cost of essences) but it is a safe (or almost) way to win, so it is shown in yt videos.

    Dso team the players are waiting for an answer, the way it's not possible to play.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2020
  12. 9ndrei

    9ndrei Forum Expert

    Ahaha. Even the mod who started this thread thinks the CE is a fail. Just look at the tags for the thread:
    tozagol and ргцт like this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    I doubt that :) Mage is by far the OP class now. I dont know much about DK/Ranger, but pretty sure they both suck compared to mages. Me as dwarf has a 10% armor break missile, which is nothing. The mine is crap to use on most bosses, since it doesnt trigger even if you hug them. So youre bugged skill is about same as how others play without bugs.
    tozagol and Dampfxaoc like this.
  14. Khrone

    Khrone Someday Author

    Looks like there are better times coming.. or at least, less painful times. This is from the Czech forum section, posted by a Moderator.
    Hopefully the translation is clear enough and readable.

  15. KulawyMao

    KulawyMao Exceptional Talent

    so they think that they can leave tons of bugs for 1 month?
    gl when day after day there are less players online ;p
  16. Dampfxaoc

    Dampfxaoc Advanced

    1. Don't play this "broken" game.
    2. All classes are equall, also the mages. No compensation. It's difficult to play solo any class now, not only the mages are affected.
    3. Stop crying on the forum, too toxic.
    World is generally unfair, learn how to play using skills you have right at the moment.
    4. Check the point number 1.
    - No more q7+q8 sets, which had been DWARF itself.
    - No more 150% dmg from C14 Rocket.
    - No more 80% armor break from C14 Rocket, what we've got is 10% only.
    - Twice less turrets then before.
    - No more 0 cooldown for triple shot.
    And this mage complains about singularity in fight with boss. How should other classes play if even tanks with shield are not safe there and can die from one shot.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2020
  17. Monkey

    Monkey Forum Great Master

    did you understand what you said?
    I write that the singularity does not work and it has not been fixed for the second week. You and the comrade above write to me that all kdas are equal, why are you writing this to me? before writing nonsense about all classes, read my post. I'm writing about the singularity, not all classes. if it is difficult to play gnomes - do not inrate the game, I think it's good advice.
    World is generally unfair, learn how to play using skills you have right at the moment.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    i dont think you understood what i said. Anyway, dont worry..i have only logged for my daily 300 ander mostly. Have a nice day
    tozagol likes this.
  19. KARL31

    KARL31 Forum Apprentice

    I started the game with 20k of fragment, it only got 10k, when I finished consuming these 10k the game condemns me to stop.
    I don't understand why the drop of infernal passage fragment only drops 1 every 4 maps. I do not understand why it is not bought in material. my only pleasure in this game is the blood sheald mode but without passing I do nothing.
    Give me the means to farm passageways or buy them in Materi.
    tozagol and mestamer67 like this.
  20. menestrelul

    menestrelul Someday Author

    I know it's been written about already, but maybe the higher number of warnings will solve something, I hope.

    At this point, the ranger is the weakest character. Experienced players with suggestions must intervene here, programmers and developers have proven countless times that they do not understand the game very well. One is on paper and the other is practice and gaming experience, this is the role of testers.
    I play with a spellweaver and my wife plays with a ranger. Although he is an old player and has a strong character, he can't farm without me on hard modes. In the same situation are more friends who play with rangers (if someone accuses her of not knowing how to play).
    Spellweaver is powerful due to three skills: Fireball, Singularity and Mind control. This morning I farmed solo for 2 hours on bloodshed...until the debuff reduced my mana by half.
    Even so, I could play without problems due to the new mana regeneration runes. As a magician, I complain about the lack of diversity in the style of play. Not because of the weakness of the character.
    I would have liked to see more types of game styles, players using ice, lightning ... not all throwing fireballs without any strategy. The fact that they removed the ability to pierce enemies with ice missiles completely destroyed the ice skill tree. The frozen sphere doesn't help much either.
    However, I can easily farm with only 3 skills. But I don't feel like an MMORPG player, it starts to look like a bad shooter.
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