Update about the state of the game.

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Woody, May 2, 2024.

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  1. Woody

    Woody Forum Greenhorn

    Can we get some information about what you are planning to do with this game? We haven't had a member of the new team speak to us for a while now. The last member of the team who did ''Shanty'' uploaded a Q&A where most responses were simply forgotten lies, and afterall he vanished without even informing us why. We are getting connection errors EVERY day and what do we get? A bonus code with 5 health points and 55 drakens? You keep delaying BGH which is a game changing event required for most people nowdays. Are you going to announce something useful or should we keep getting ignored? Never thought DSO would result in such a terrible state. Fix up please.
    _mrak11_ likes this.