Support Cheat Engine being used on all servers.

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by anderson92acs, May 21, 2024.

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  1. anderson92acs

    anderson92acs Forum Apprentice

    Do something against the use of these programs that are infesting the game on all servers.
    The biggest problem is when using it during pvp, the opponent reaches double the attack speed.
    This leaves the game increasingly corrupted.
    Easy Anti cheat would solve this.
    tozagol likes this.
  2. εηgιηээя

    εηgιηээя Forum Greenhorn

    C.Cheat engine does not work in online games. It is impossible to cheat in the Pvp system because the time is short. And of course the cheat engine does nothing in the game. Game information intermediate servers It is stored in the intermediate server. Any intervention you make via the computer cannot provide direct access to information. Therefore, what you see on the screen is just an illusion. I have been a computer engineer for 8 years.You can trust me. Cheat engine does not work in any online game. Do a little research, it's embarrassing that you write such illogical things. As I said in the PvP system, players may seem strong to you because they enter with full pieces and transfers. Maybe what you need to do is strengthen your character. Have a nice game
  3. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    Truly? When I played pvp I saw some of them, so they exist.
    "crafty" players have often tried over the years to exploit Cheat Engine to win games in online video games: this use of the program is obviously not welcomed by either gamers or developers and often leads to the banning of accounts which they use.
    tozagol likes this.
  4. BestCherso1998

    BestCherso1998 Someday Author

    I guess you never heard of Dark Souls :p
    There's always a way to cheat in online games, the only difference is the danger of being caught.
    Even being a computer engineer for 8 years, doesn't mean it's not possible.. just look at how many underage players in any other game can easily put up any kind of external program (I'm not saying that you're not good at your job ;)).

    Also easy anti cheat would surely help, but it's not the solution. Well made reports are the key to get rid of those cheaters :D
    tozagol likes this.
  5. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I can name you at least one online game in which I have used CE and boosted resources ... for real (not just visual).
    Of course I got banned ... but I won the bet.
    CE is working in almost all browser games ... (hint) the client is a modified browser.
    mrmlja, AndJustice4All and tozagol like this.