Announcement Release 260 Patchnotes + IMPORTANT notice

Discussion in 'Patchnotes and Maintenance' started by Hokori, Jul 17, 2024.

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  1. Hokori

    Hokori Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Dear Heroes of Dracania!

    Tomorrow, 17.07, the servers will be updated to the newest patch R260. (times in UTC )

    Start Countdown: 06:30
    Start Maintenance: 07:00
    Stop Maintenance: 09:00​
    • Multiple design flaws and issues in the Land of Immortals and Realm of The Firelord content expansion maps have now been fixed.
    • An issue that allowed Balor to restore his shield after a player was away from his view distance in the Blazing Inferno Map has been fixed.
    • An issue that made Balor and Mortis bosses delay their attack after spawning in Blazing Inferno Map has been fixed.
    • A new description to the event window has been added for the Big Game Hunt event.
    • The NPCs Freya Elise, Stellan Caprise and Dante DeSiddis now have their respective marker appear correctly.
    • The maximum stacking capacity of Jewel Chest has been increased to 100.
    • Multiple display and text issues have been fixed.


    Please remove IMMEDIATELY the Mighty Wrathful Seeker's Torso from your character. Unfortunately, after tomorrow's update, every character who tries to equip or already has equipped this item on their character will end up receiving a Nebula error that will eventually render their character useless, and won't be able to play the game until there is a fix. This also applies if the torso is a skin.

    Due to the time being so late, we are not sure whether this bug will get fixed asap before the launch of the new Release 260. So we are notifying you about this, to avoid any unnecessary situations.

    We are very sorry for this, and we would like to apologize in advance!
    Your Drakensang Online Team.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2024
  2. Hokori

    Hokori Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    The update patch R260 will be postponed until Thursday 18th at 6:30 am (UTC) due to fixing the Mighty Wrathful Seeker's Torso bug. Now the bug only shows on the Test Server. It doesn't affect the Live Server.

    BGH event starting time remains the same.
    Thank you for your understanding.
  3. Hokori

    Hokori Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Heroes of Dracania!

    Today, 17.07, the servers will be updated to the newest patch R260 mentioned above. (times in UTC)

    Start Countdown: 15:30
    Start Maintenance: 16:00
    Stop Maintenance: 18:00
    During testing, we found a bug of players unable to enter Azar boss's map "Azar's Pit". The fix will be updated tomorrow at the normal mentioned time.
    Your Drakensang Online Team.
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