Is there anyone who can help me hunt (level 41 player)

Discussion in 'PvE Players Wanted' started by EdgarWoo, Aug 3, 2024.

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  1. EdgarWoo

    EdgarWoo Forum Greenhorn

    Hello! I'm level 41 player (Name Is 'Edgarwoo')
    I haven't logged in for a long time, so I'm not sure what to do
    Is there anyone who can hunt with me..?
  2. jc8632022

    jc8632022 Forum Apprentice

    what server you play
  3. ABC

    ABC Moderator Team Drakensang Online

    Hello, welcome back :) Feel free to whisper and request invites to random people and groups in the game that you come across, there may some who are willing to help ^^ You can also check out some of the channels on the official Discord server that connect likeminded individuals who are searching for people to play with as well. Additionally, guilds are also another way to enter a network of players who are usually more willing to help you farm.