dwarf build help

Discussion in 'Steam Mechanicus' started by xat0m, Dec 16, 2024 at 11:04 AM.

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  1. xat0m

    xat0m Forum Greenhorn

    Hello, I am level 100 and I want to create a 1h build right now. Can you help me by saying that this item will drop from here and you will wear a2 a4 a5 items?
  2. salotr

    salotr Padavan

    If you have reached level 100 you should have gained a minimum of experience to understand how to do a 1h build.
  3. ABC

    ABC Moderator Team Drakensang Online

    Hello, congratulations on reaching level 100. :) Feel free to peruse pictures of sample builds for your class that are in the class channels on our discord server as well as within our forums here. There, you can see the items players use for each slot. You will be able to craft most of them, and drop a few if you need. Some items, however, are event-specific so you may need to find alternatives for the time being. ^^
  4. salotr

    salotr Padavan

    In short, if you want to get information, asking and waiting for an answer that can meet your needs is never a good idea.
    Looking for answers (and I think you are already doing it) is instead the best solution.

    If you find them without anyone's help because you have figured out how to make your build, it will give you even more satisfaction.