Weak fresh 100lvl

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by kingofserdar, Dec 19, 2024 at 3:16 PM.

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  1. kingofserdar

    kingofserdar Forum Greenhorn

    Hi, I am playing the game for about a month and now I am level 100. The problem is that I cant kill most of the endgame mobs like parralel worlds. Could someone give me advice ? I am dragonknight btw.
  2. salotr

    salotr Padavan

    Maybe you have equipment that isn't right for what you want to do, especially on harder difficulties.
    Or you need to fix your build, your playstyle, or both.
    On the net you can find a lot of video guides that explain how to use the dragonknight and also the other classes in all circumstances.

    However, for anyone who decides to give you advice, it would be a good thing if you added some screenshots in this thread showing your character's current stats and even current equipment.

    In this way, one who advises you can better understand the condition you are in now.
  3. kingofserdar

    kingofserdar Forum Greenhorn

    Couldnt post a image so there is the link to my stats. I know that they are pretty low compared to other players.
    salotr likes this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Looks like you got carried allot to lvl100. This is why you lack stats from gems/runes/wisdom

    You got 2 options: Get carried more in q1 or go to desert and farm yourself on lower modes and grind yourself up. (option 2 will take a long longg time). Or spend a ton of money and buy yourself all the dust you need :p

    Anyway: focus on crit first, since you have almost nothing.
    salotr likes this.
  5. salotr

    salotr Padavan

    It's just humor, no offense. :D

    Buyon and FAALHAAS like this.
  6. kingofserdar

    kingofserdar Forum Greenhorn

    What should I farm or for what should I try to find groups?

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Q1 groups (1st map/portal of parralel world) often don't care much if a weaker player joins. Not all of 'm offcourse, but most of times you can see a groupname with something like: ''lowlevel/all-welcome''
    During events maybe less of these groups, so you could always ask in kingshill chat of theres groups that you can join to get some event-progres.

    As for gear, I dont know much about DK. So just ask one ingame about items.
    salotr likes this.
  8. salotr

    salotr Padavan

    Faalhaas gave you a good tip that is the quickest method to get items and more.

    I, on the other hand, do exactly the opposite. :D