Level 105 adventurer's chest?

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Jaeshaala, Jan 1, 2025.

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  1. Jaeshaala

    Jaeshaala Forum Apprentice

    I had been working under the assumption that the max level in this game was 100. Given how I never see anyone above 100, even powerhouse endgame players that can smash through a boss on Bloodthirsty.

    But I reached level 100 tonight... and when I opened what I thought was my last Adventurer's Chest, I got a surprise:


    Huh? I don't think level 105 is a thing, let alone level 110, and even if it was, "this item cannot be used anymore" from literally the second it generated. also I have 88229601 XP towards the next level, but also it's been at 88229601 since I first thought to check it, so can or can't I get XP anymore?

    Is it a bug? Are they planning to implement new levels at some point? What gives?

    (PS. can I make one thread asking multiple game questions, or do I need a new thread per topic? Cause there's a few things that have me scratching my head).
  2. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    This is a surprise for me too, let's wait to see what others say.
  3. jc8632022

    jc8632022 Forum Apprentice

    so the chest is something you will get to open when they raise the level from 100 to 105 im guessing since its always been x5 everytime they have raised level so save chest till then.
  4. Jaeshaala

    Jaeshaala Forum Apprentice

    So this isn't a known thing in the game?
  5. Talbor

    Talbor Regular

    It looks like more crap to take up inventory space.
    salotr likes this.
  6. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    None of the developers have yet provided an explanation.
    Did you also ask on discord?
  7. Jaeshaala

    Jaeshaala Forum Apprentice

    I'm not on the discord, no.
  8. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    Save the box; yes, it's a waste of inventory space for now, but if there's ever another level increase in the future, they won't hand out new level-up boxes; for each of my characters, I've been using the same box since max level was 35.
  9. Jaeshaala

    Jaeshaala Forum Apprentice

    They sometimes increase the max level??? Whoa.
  10. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    They did in the past, regularly, but only in 5-level increments when they introduced a new continent, through level 55 when Qaizah was opened up. Then, about 5(?) years ago, the producers / devs redesigned a lot of major systems, added the suburbs to the Parallel World, and shot the level cap all the way to 100 in a single massive release, likely the last full update the game will see.

    Since then the development team has changed, now run out of China, and "expansions" have been hastily "planned" and poorly executed, without an increase to the level cap.

    So, my earlier advice to save the level 105 adventurer's chest is probably a bad idea; I'm simply a hoarder with FOMO, hanging onto the box due to the slimmest chance that it'll be useful some day.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    The chests just has crap like a couple keys and maybe a polished ruby. Those chests were designed 12years ago and never had an update, the stuff you get couldve been considered decent a decade ago, but for todays game..its mostly useless crap.

    But who knows....maybe the lvl105 chest got 1billion ander ;)