Suggestion Upgrade your guild!

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by viv1983, Jan 16, 2025.

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Are we upgrading guilds?

This poll will close on Jan 16, 2026 at 10:40 PM.
  1. Yes, that's what the game needs!

  2. No, it won't help.

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. viv1983

    viv1983 Forum Greenhorn

    Good afternoon, I would like to suggest a very interesting option to improve the game as a whole and increase communication between players in the guild. We need to make sure that the guild means something to the character, in any rank , namely that people are interested in joining the guild they have chosen. This can be achieved as follows, as practice suggests, if you add guild volute to the guild, which will be obtained in joint quests with guild members, and for which you can improve intra-guild abilities, for example, the health of the characters of the entire guild increases by 1% or resistance , or damage, or something else, as well as add the guild level and the opportunity to earn intra-guild volute into the general treasury by completing PVP and PVE quests , in the future this volute could be spent both on improving abilities and, for example, on certain skins from bosses or something similar , and it would also be possible to add a slightly expanded
    salotr and mat898 like this.
  2. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    I really like this idea, it could incentivize players more to be part of a guild.
    I hope they take it into consideration!