sandstorm stats

Discussion in 'Event Questions' started by Jaeshala, Jan 23, 2025.

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  1. Jaeshala

    Jaeshala Forum Apprentice

    Hi, could anyone help me clarify the stats on the Desert of Essences sandstorm damage?

    Is it a flat rate or percentage based?
    Does it vary by difficulty? How much?
    How much does it increase per round?
    Does armor help?
    salotr likes this.
  2. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    It's elemental damage (fire, I believe), so you need to add resistance gems / runes and/or a (fire) resistance consumable buff. And, yes, the elemental damage increases each sandstorm.

    EDIT: Please someone double-check my memory on the type of elemental damage done by the sandstorms. Upon reflection, I think it's poison, not fire.

    However, I also want to add that the sandstorms are pointless. Upon successful completion of clearing a sandstorm map, you'll get another small chest around the center circle of the map, but it just drops random cheap junk, nothing special or of value, certainly not enough to justify the time wasted. The point of the event is to run the repeatable quests and clear the color maps in cycles so you end up with ingredients to craft special essences and essence upgrade materials. The sandstorms are an avoidable distraction.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2025
    Talbor likes this.
  3. Talbor

    Talbor Regular

    I can't remember the damage type either, but fire really would make the most sense. Either way I think it'll say it in the little debuff icon near the bottom, so they can check it.

    I'm pretty sure it's percentage-based & it does increase with each wave. Don't have any idea by how much, but it's negligible on lower levels unless maybe you're fresh level 100 with low wisdom.

    If you clear all the sandstorms you'll get that main boss at the end and the debuff stops.

    The only real reason to clear them all I can think of would be if you're wanting to do the quest (I forget the name). I think you need to clear all the sandstorms on each difficulty level for the raptor to show up. I haven't bothered trying it since the reward was scrap iirc. So, unless you're wanting to bother with the quest, I'd do like dkarl said & not bother much unless you really need the water droplets.

    I usually just clear it once or twice on painful & collect the free amphoras unless I'm just crazy bored then I'll do more.