Feedback March/April 2025: Events Feedback

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Hokori, Mar 1, 2025.

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  1. Hokori

    Hokori Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Dear Heroes of Dracania!

    You can use this thread to share your feedback regarding the current in game events. Positive or negative, constructive criticism and ideas for improvements are, as always, welcomed. Please keep discussions on topic.

    If you are unsure what sort of feedback is being asked for, please read this thread.
    Any off-topic posts/pointless rants will be deleted.

    Best Regards,
    Your Drakensang Online Team
  2. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    For me the Stellar Gold event ends here : first bar, 50k progress.
    Why would I do more than 50k progress for only two rewards and no draken?
    I'd like to know why the developers chose to extend the event by lengthening the progress bars, without adding more rewards.
    But what happened to the draken(sang) of the past?
    The many rewards of the past?
    I don't like fighting monsters for paltry loot ;)
    Talbor and cigarbennett like this.
  3. Sprokkel

    Sprokkel Active Author

    I totally agree with the previous post.
    It feels like I'm standing in my supermarket with their consumption reduction, investing more and more and having to do more to get less reward.
    Or there's been a lazy developer who forgot some rewards, in which case I hope it's fixed soon.
    If this isn't the case, then the development team is really on the wrong track.
    I would also like to mention how VERY BORING it is to have to do the same thing so often, better rewards would make it somewhat more interesting. I also miss dropping gems, hardly any gems drop, completely different than before.
    In short, bad development work. Botched work.
    DSO doesn't get any more fun. :(
    Talbor likes this.
  4. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    I could not agree with you more. I am not even doing that much, quit after first day. Maybe do a little for something different to do. 560k total progress is ridicules.
    Talbor likes this.
  5. -heresia-

    -heresia- Forum Apprentice

    I gave up from the first day, it is the weakest event and I think others will follow. I want to believe that they are giving all their strength to destroy the game even worse.
    Talbor likes this.
  6. mestamer67

    mestamer67 Padavan

    I join the others. I have been playing DSO for 13 years, these substandard events, without adequate prizes, without anything new like Stellar Gold abandoned at the start where you increased the difficulties by forgetting to put adequate prizes, no thanks. The ancestral event is the same as before, can you explain to me why I should do it again? And don't tell me that there is something useful in the ancestral event, there is absolutely nothing. Seasonal event as bad as it was before with useless prizes. Not to mention the new ones daily quests where in the unique chests I find copper and only copper, always. But are you serious? Change the team quickly, this is a fail.
    Talbor likes this.
  7. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    Hi guys... it seems there's gonna be a hotfix for tomorrow or another maintenance, call it the way you want, and for that i suggest that you should take screnshots of all your inventory cos you already know how DSO works eliminating part of your inventory by the face... they are really good at that... specially if they are gonna touch our inventory...

    I leave it there
    Talbor likes this.
  8. -kirachan-

    -kirachan- Someday Author

    Someone from the moderator team should do their job please and report where it's needed that the servers have been flooded with ping all day and there's no play for the last 2 months, you've flooded the game with useless stuff, colors, horses, elves, I don't know what other useless stuff, and no one pays attention to bugs, lags, pings, etc.
    Talbor and Seraulys like this.
  9. brcserenity

    brcserenity Forum Apprentice

    The event progressions are too much, after a certain point I stop playing because I feel like I'm not playing the game but I work like a slave. It's your right to try to increase the game time, but turning it into a slavery system negatively affects the communication between the player and the game.

    The game is currently developing very well, but extending the event bars doesn't seem to have a good effect, or increasing the number of gifts in the bar and increasing the progress bar gifts according to the progress percentage could be a solution, otherwise we won't spend 20 rounds for the next gift :D.

    I want to remind people that their only job is not to play Drakensang, in fact I wish it was my only job, but I also have to work to play this game and pay my bills.
    Talbor likes this.
  10. Talbor

    Talbor Regular

    I'm not sure why you're going crazy with these progress bars now, but please rethink it. The amount needed is insane, especially considering we have more than 1 event to work on at the same time.

    Like the others mentioned, the rewards are not worth the amount of time needed to reach them. There's a couple of the rewards I'd like to get like the jewel, but it's so ungodly boooooring doing the same thing over & over & over & over repeatedly just to see you're making very little progress that it's just not worth it. These events should at least be somewhat fun, so let's make events fun again instead of tedious & boring!

    PLEASE don't mess up the Dragan event like that, please don't!!!

    PS - I do appreciate the new locker space & adding dyes to the bag, so that was a great update for many of us.
  11. -dravin-

    -dravin- Junior Expert

    Well I see a few players don't seem to like the extra progress bars.. it's not like this is a new thing the current dev's have been doing this to just about every event since they started running the game.. it's because there making money off the players that buy the progress in the events so why would they stop making every event the same you can't really think just because a few players don't like it there going to change there direction and you can't fault the company for wanting to make money.. I'm not sure what other items you guys expect the Dev's to add to the progress bars.. if you don't like the event or the time it takes to complete ether buy the progress or just don't play it.. this game is a grind type game and not casual friendly.. and you can bet there going to make the Dragan event longer I hope they do it's already to short to complete.. I have no problem with the direction the Dev's are going been playing for over 13 years and I'm not going to stop just because the events are longer.. GET GOOD or just stop playing.. DSO is all about the GRIND always has been..
  12. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    you said that DSO is a grind type game,well and what it means ?
    Grind is the performance of repetitive tasks in a video game to gain gameplay advantages and/or cosmetic items.
    What benefits do I get from a stretched event bar without rewards?
    (rewards like in-game currencies would be nice.)
    Here we can express our opinions about the events, why shouldn't we do it if we don't like them?
    Why should we stop playing instead of hoping that something can change for the better?
    Talbor and Seraulys like this.
  13. -dravin-

    -dravin- Junior Expert

    If your a said player that doesn't like the direction the game is going in then why play.. to "HOPE" for something "BETTER".. ROFL.. the game is at the best it's ever going to be after 13 years.. people play games for enjoyment and if your not entertained then why play.. as we both can plainly see the direction this dev team is going.. and if your not having a good time playing events "YES" you should move on.. if you have been playing just as long as I have.. ( since BETA ).. you shouldn't need anything and just enjoy the game for what it is not for what you "HOPE" it will become just be satisfied with what you get.. as far as currencies go there on the progress bars like DRAKENS, ANDERMANTS, COMMUNITY COINS, BOSS KEYS, ECT.. what more do you all need..
  14. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    In my opinion, if they give us the opportunity to say what we think about the events they propose to us, good or bad, we should do it.
    Or do you think this is just to make us believe it?
    There are cyclical events that are proposed to us every month that have had changes also thanks to our feedback and that are now perfect because even if repetitive they give a lot.
    I'm criticizing the Stellar event because 50k progress with very small rewards is ridiculous, almost an affront to my desire to have fun.
    I allow myself to have hope for future changes because I can and want it, like the direction of the game is taking towards money is right and funny for you.
    P.S: what is this ROFL ?
    Talbor likes this.
  15. Talbor

    Talbor Regular

    I agree, but it's actually 560K to complete the event which is stupid.

    The ROFL mean rolling on the floor laughing.

    Some of us still enjoy playing the game, but events are/was the only realistic way of getting some much needed items like certain jewels. I guess a lot got lucky enough to get those items when the progress in these events were more realistic.

    Also, like Emily said this is a feedback thread, so we're leaving our feedback. If you're content with it like it is then why are you here wasting your time on the feedback forums?

    They did finally give us more locker space & added dyes to the bag, so we can still hope they'll listen about these even though I'm not going to hold my breath that they will.
    Last edited by moderator: Tuesday at 2:27 PM
    EmilyRose likes this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Why? was the floor slippery?
  17. Enaggelion

    Enaggelion Forum Apprentice

    Well said Talbor! Removing one's hope is just uncool.

    This gaming is about building up a character, not grinding. It is predominantly about obtaining gears and skill is only secondary to it. As such, the rewards (i.e. sets, gems, jewels, runes) are the prime motivator and reason to play DSO. E.g. with a a toon that just made it to level 100 and without any gears and wisdom, there is no chance for it to survive in pw merciless (leaving bloodshed aside), regardless of your skill.

    Every player has the right to voice their opinion and for this reason DSO has created this thread to ask for feedback. Right or wrong and believe it or not.

    We understand that DSO needs to make money otherwise the server and Drakensang needs to shut down and we all need to withdraw from DSO. There is no benefit for both sides in this. DSO wants money and players want a reasonable and fun game to play - how do we find this balance? This is what this thread is about, to dialogue and in hope to find an answer. Doubling the progress bars, extending longer time play or increasing the attribute of bosses with crappy rewards are not the answers. RPG players like to earn their rewards because there is no fun in just paying for the progress bar and log off. Reasonable grinding with other players for good rewards is what makes DSO fun. DSO needs to decide which direction it wants to go and this will determine which players will play on.
  18. -dravin-

    -dravin- Junior Expert

    Monster Hunt event is the perfect example of why the event progress bars should be increased.. finished this event in 5.2 hours..