Bug Problem Cash Offers Not Loading

Discussion in 'Test Server' started by Killer195, Tuesday at 1:21 AM.

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  1. Killer195

    Killer195 Forum Greenhorn

    Hi, when opening the store and navigating to 'Cash Offers' in all categories, it does not load.
    Additionally, I’m not sure if there is a possibility of a bonus for reaching level 100. Since this is a test server, there should be an option for us to try and test it as well."
    Thank you.
  2. Hokori

    Hokori Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online


    the Team has deactivated all the shop transactions (bonus codes included), so there's no bug. There's also no plan to open it again in the near future, so for now you'll have to play your character the normal way.
  3. Killer195

    Killer195 Forum Greenhorn

    Ah, got it! Thank you for the information.