What's the best place/method to farm realm fragments?

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Jaeshala, Monday at 6:14 AM.

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  1. Jaeshala

    Jaeshala Forum Apprentice

    running real low thanks to Stellar Gold, and it feels like it takes forever for them to drop. I've been joining Merciless parties on Parallel Realm*, and I can go a dozen runs with barely any fragments encountered.

    *I'd try elsewhere, but there's not usually a ton of high-difficulty parties outside of PW to join, and I certainly can't do it myself yet.

    Is Parallel World the wrong place to look or am I just unlucky or am I misremembering how uncommon drops are because I've never run low before?

    also, is there a vendor that sells realm fragments somewhere? or any other way to get them?
  2. G-Rico

    G-Rico Junior Expert

    For get realm frags you can :
    - do the Thabo's daily quest (collect 50 sky stones) to get a portal. Take the second quest (kill 550 red-fur) at Thabo'shop and go in Quartz Cavern. You need 5 portals to finish the quest in mercy.
    But to have a lot of frags, go with a team of 5 players.
    Before you need the rune of the realm changer in legendary (+5) and put (+5) in Skills group : that gives you +10 frags when you are in a team. There are often teams who look for Thabo but you need +10.
    In the cavern there are 3 mobs ( each gives at last 180 frags with a team of 5 players)
    - do events , you have often frags like rewards
    - once a month, there is an event where you can win more frags by killing mobs, it is present for 3 days.
    You will see a small icon above the skills bar. it is in the same place as for the time of solidarity.
    It is better to have a team with +10 Frags, and go farming either in Brigavik in Cardhun (Parallels worlds), or in greylind forest in the land of Immortals.

    And there isn't a vendor that sells realm fragments
    Talbor likes this.
  3. Jaeshala

    Jaeshala Forum Apprentice

    Does difficulty level affect number of fragments?
  4. dam18

    dam18 Junior Expert

    collect cube and open them.