How do you search for a guild?

Discussion in 'Guild Discussion' started by Jaeshaala, Dec 19, 2024.

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  1. Jaeshaala

    Jaeshaala Forum Apprentice

    I just did a stupid and left my guild instead of leaving the party... now I'm trying to send a request to join a new one, but I can't find that option anywhere? There's "start your own guild" but I can't see any way to look through existing guilds. I have no idea where to start, especially since pretty much everyone here speaks Portuguese. (I have no idea idea why the guild that I was in until about ten minutes ago invited me way back when, they don't speak english either)
  2. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    I don't think the game allows you to search through existing guilds.
    I have never found anything like it, but it would undoubtedly be useful.

    If you remember the name of any players from the guild you were in, try sending them a message via whisper.
    brcserenity likes this.
  3. brcserenity

    brcserenity Forum Apprentice

    Guild browsing would actually be pretty useful. Many people need party members for different things, but guilds create their own parties.

    Also, it would be nice to have people you can play with and find them. Guilds could add a guild search system that would include information about what kind of activities they do and what kind of parties they form. They could also list the levels of players they are looking for in their guild, so it would be easier to level up together and everyone could come together under one roof for what they want to play.