how to craft fragments of anxiety

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by scai20, Yesterday at 12:43 PM.

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  1. scai20

    scai20 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello today I bought the recipe to craft the elixir for the bones of Mortis. But I saw that I can't craft fragments of anxiety I did the mission but I still can't craft them I have the categories memorized but I can't make them legendary
  2. rynkmart

    rynkmart Forum Greenhorn

    You have to farm them. They drop on extension maps (Brigvik etc) and sargon event. You need to farm them in group (with rune bonus). But they can be upgraded up to legendary with gold on workbench.
  3. scai20

    scai20 Forum Greenhorn

    at the workbench when I put the anxiety fragments it doesn't show me that I can turn them from normal to legendary It tells me I don't have the recipe to craft.