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Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Hokori, Mar 1, 2025.

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  1. -dravin-

    -dravin- Junior Expert

    Best idea I have seen so far from a players point of view.. But in the long run DSO Dev's doesn't want the players to have a choice.. If every player had a choice to play say "HARDCORE or NORMAL" DSO the NORMAL mode would be the go to for most players.. only Veterans and OP players would choose the HARDCORE.. thus dropping there revenue and that in my opinion is the only reason DSO's servers are still active 13 years later.. once that revenue drops to low DSO will end.. but that's not fact just my opinion..
  2. Enaggelion

    Enaggelion Forum Apprentice

    After BigPoint took over DSO, from a business point of view they did decent job in keeping DSO alive for 13 years. From a player's point of view, most of the time it didn't go well with them because the game is not as fun as before due to a pay to play model. DSO Dev will always choose revenue over pleasing players and Dravin, you are right about that fact. But to please the crowd, DSO will leave some choices for players that would not lessen their revenue. Both sides need to satisfied for the game to stay alive. If DSO is not making money, the game dies and if players stop playing because it's boring and it's purposeless than the game will also die regardless of how money grabbing DSO designed the game.

    The long progress bars encourages players to buy the attires and the random items encourages players to keep paying to get a better chance - all these and along with deluxe and other strategies are implemented for Bigpoint to make money. This includes not allowing players to trade between players.

    DSO is not designed for hardcore play, assuming hardcore means you die and start all over, because no players will take that risk when it takes years to build a character. It's got to be softcore so players pay to resurrect, etc. In fact, it is quite clear that our OP build is designed to die with low defence and HP, but high damage. All the end game chars are like glass cannons. That's a part of the DSO strategy not to make invincible chars so they stop paying. I have OP chars and played DSO for 13 years too, though at times not so regular. I also have mid and low chars, so I speak for all levels of players as there are many in my guild who struggled and the game is made for players to be carried by others to play. Only a few that I met go solo to build up but it took them several years.

    Like I said before, BigPoint needs to find a balance to keep DSO alive. They made a big mistake in introducing Dark Legacy and nurfed everyone and lost a lot of players. Any careless decision from DSO will bring the same consequence.
  3. brcserenity

    brcserenity Forum Apprentice

    Does anyone seriously think DSO doesn't make money? It's funny when you think about how much money they make from a single rune loot box. When you look at other games' revenue systems, DSO makes more money from a single loot box than any other game makes from players in a year.

    The only problem with DSO is the number of players, the easiest way to increase that is to allow low-level PVP with a level lock, find new PVP events, and make some of the things gained from PVP affect PVE (like mages exploding at level 40, or reducing stun duration, etc.).

    Also, instead of the widely used DSO bot, DSO could add AFK farming to the game and rent it out like a premium membership, I personally would buy it :D

    Also, DSO could monopolize character sales, I know people who buy houses and cars just from DSO character sales :D If the person selling these accounts makes money from these sales, meaning people are making money from the game, then naturally the interest in the game will increase. The reason why PoE is so popular is not because it is a very good game, but because someone makes serious money every season

    Supporting some good streamers will increase the awareness of the game. Streamers already make money from this, they support their households with monthly donations, volunteering is nothing but stinginess.

    Pay to win should be ended in the game, there is only one item that is like this right now, instead of pay to win, the luck feature should be evaluated at the highest level, this way when players get an item, it will be a huge event and will take that player to a different position, etc.
  4. -dravin-

    -dravin- Junior Expert

    The P2W aspect of DSO doesn't bother me one bit because I don't PvP or group play Solo only.. I'm glad PvP is not a big part of DSO anymore.. I say bring back the JESTERS from back in the day..
    Talbor likes this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    DSO: nono, thats gambling and we're not allowed to encourage that!
    ---But, here some lootboxes for you to buy with realmoney to gamble while you complain about jesters

  6. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    So the latest revision Bigpoint reduced the chance for the jewel of glacial fang to spawn a Fenris Wolf. Total Bull! Players used what 50k 80k ander to buy Challenge passes to get that jewel. Now you have reduced it that you are lucky to get one wolf per map clear. Typical Bigpoint deceitful business practice take our money then make what we bought totally useless. Give us back ander and keep your jewel.

    TOTAL ********!!!!!!!!!!