1 vs.1

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by janne14, Apr 12, 2014.

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  1. janne14

    janne14 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello I am 43 lv good mage. I hate tanks because they have got hp skills in pvp and pve. I was much better than lv45 noob tank (in first round 1-0), but then the tank start to run away and the tank win me 1-2 :mad:. I think it can be fixed if mages and rangers got hp skills too or tanks lose them. I hope someone fix this.
  2. Marce

    Marce Junior Expert

    The way the game is set up, its balanced really, Mages have high Dam, Dks have high armor/hp and Rangers have a little bit of both, idk where Steam mech fall in place here though. If u have enough skill and agility in 1v1 then u can beat a dk easy, especially with a sw.
  3. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    The classes are pretty balanced, but I agree that SWs and Rangers should get some hp regen skill too to balance out. It is impossible to win a DK in TDM (3v3) when all thats left is one DK or dwarf on a team and one Ranger or Spellweaver on the other. The DK/dwarf just runs like hell and abuses exhaustion while regenerating hp continuously. Matches last forever but they'll never die.
  4. Marce

    Marce Junior Expert

    Dk's can abuse exhaustion, steam mechs are easy to catch and kill, depending on their skill
  5. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    I guess I'm really good then. As a puny steam mech I exhausted more than one ardent koto or flag bearer SW/Ranger to death While I was just an ardent cent. with crappy gears that hits about 20 dmg on them per turret shot.
  6. munjen

    munjen Forum Apprentice

    lol,but when tank go on mage or ranger then mage run like hell why then mage and ranger stay and fight ,what do you wont from tank to stay on 1 position so you can easy hit ,if mage dont run all the time exhaustion will never come,so exhaustion is for mage and ranfer not dk you must kill dk before that or if you cant dont run
    dragonknight2036 likes this.
  7. Marce

    Marce Junior Expert

    Low damage and high armor/hp is what you need for that to work, high damage is good too but if u just focus on health and armor, 5% health everytime u blow off steam can take you to 25% quickly and you'll be running every minute, plus the rocket helps
  8. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    Don't worry, I only had 3.6k hp with 1.5k or so armor and 400 resist. I totally just ran around with with pure skills! Kind of funny how it works.
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