2-H DK weapon carrying, and a general rant at the end

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Multi-Sev, Jun 18, 2014.

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  1. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    2-Hand DK's are definitely a viable option since they raised the enchantments a long time ago. A long, long time ago the best 2-Hand weapon was Herald's Morning Star from Herald of the Anderworld. I got that drop on my first kill of him back when he was the toughest boss in all of Dracania, before Atlantis was even discovered (created), and I used it for a very long time - when 2-H DK's were much less popular than they are now.

    I could see myself being a 2-hand user again... except for one thing: I never liked the way 2-hand weapons are carried by DK's. Even when I used one, I didn't like how my character carried it. I mean, seriously, have you ever watched yourself carrying one of those over-sized 2-handers at chest level, constantly running, and wondering how your arms don't fall off?

    This isn't an attempt to start a flame war. I'm just saying, the way 2-H DK's run around with their weapons isn't conducive to the preservation of the human anatomy. I think that carrying-style should be reviewed. A more ergonomic way to run with a large weapon would be perched on your shoulder, or with both hands on it but lowered to one side of your body. I don't think the way the 2-H weapons for DK's are carried was very well thought out.

    However, fix the multitude of bugs that have been plaguing the game before you do anything like this. I doubt the bugs will be under control any time soon, and I suspect some things we think are bugs were actually done on purpose and the devs just don't want to catch the flak they deserve from them, so they don't talk about it (stun charge "bug" comes to mind - I think they made it so it doesn't stun moving targets - unless you pass through them - on purpose).

    But anyway, yeah, I'm not playing very much anymore. After 3 years of play, and remembering the good times of DSO... the current times do not compare. Getting disconnected 4 times per hour, on average, is not a good thing. The many bugs that hang around for months and months - not good things. The only good thing I can do is take a break from this circus and hope some new blood gets brought in to fix what has become of this game.

    Funny how a simple aesthetic comment/opinion morphed into a rant. Oh well, the rant is well-founded. DSO has failed to deliver on its commitment to "fix the bugs" as far as I have seen. The bug problem is worse than it ever was before that commitment was announced.
  2. daywaker2

    daywaker2 Forum Demigod

    For farming is 2Hand Weapon very nice:)
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