36 and END of GAME?

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by paladina78, Nov 5, 2023.

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  1. paladina78

    paladina78 Forum Apprentice

    Since some time the game shows more and more errors 36. - 2 years unsolved!
    It happened with the launch of the game on steam!
    Slow uploading of maps (grimmag) 20-40 sec to upload maps - I have a game computer and on another server or test (5-15 sec) it doesn't work for me (the problem is not with me, nor with my internet provider) - it didn't happen before and it's not solved again !
    It happened with the new CE expansion (marasti and blood chest)!
    The newly added worlds have bugs - um, reported and not fixed!
    Reported for a long time and not fixed - anything is sent to live, even if it passed a proper test and errors are not of concern!
    The bad attitude of the Dev Team towards the moderators, the report and the game community - will this probably be the end of Drakensang?
    Support, write to DC + DC write to support = Dev team doesn't care :)
    So game over?
    tozagol likes this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Even tho I agree with most you said, fixing a problem that doesnt occur to everyone is hard to pin-point.

    But ye to me this game is fini :(
    tozagol likes this.
  3. -dravin-

    -dravin- Junior Expert

    Honestly the game will not end until everyone stops spending real money on Premium and Andermants, and I don't see that happening no time soon..the people that own the rights to this game are making at least 100K a month..and there's at least 500K players playing the game atm.. and as far as the ERRORS go.. yes it will be hard to decipher exactly what the problem is if all the servers are not experiencing the same ERROR.. I myself have never seen a ERROR 36.. only ERROR 37 and haven't seen that since the Ghost event started on the first day.. and it also has a lot to do with playing on a FULL server.. and all the servers are full other than Tegan.. I'm glad they never combined the servers when that idea was floating around.. the only problem I keep having is high latency..

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    I'm just going to assume youre making a joke or a huge typo :)
    tozagol likes this.
  5. DamarèRo

    DamarèRo Padavan

    I don't have either those errors. I don't keep the part of dso, but I think the problems are low network connection(or to farr away from srv)or a pc with problems etc idk.
    I got a error once in a month or something like that.
    tozagol likes this.
  6. gintarszb

    gintarszb Junior Expert

    US , Harold and others servers with server capacity less than half doesn't have 36 error or almost not.(check server selection field on Dso site or client). But, Grimmag and Heredur servers does. That reported to many times from players from different EU countries on DSO Discord server.
    Btw Grimmag have more players vs Heredur and issues too. 36 error means servers overloaded. And if same time we have 5 events during Anniversary ,then 36 error just most possible scenario .
    When Jessie team left , unclear what dev working on the game , most probably mods from Discord with some help from Bigpoint..and chinese team only fiction..that rumors floating on Discord.
    So we have , that we have .Whatever DSO is 10 years old game , do u wanna play forever this game? i'm not.
    darqqueen likes this.