3D camera ?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by EpicGamer, Jan 25, 2014.

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  1. EpicGamer

    EpicGamer Forum Apprentice

    Im sure that its already posted but i saw today video from Richarrds :
    My questions are : Is he admin ?, What program does he use,And is it program from BigPoint ?
  2. stefanofsang

    stefanofsang Forum Mogul

    i also want to know it :DDD
  3. -=Lewis=-

    -=Lewis=- Forum Pro

    i was finding about it and there is a website(flohofwoe) whit nebula3 demos content but nothing whit the angle camera :s
    i also want to know it ..
  4. yamahamm

    yamahamm Advanced

    in one of his (or an0nym0us) he showed and told more about programme he used
  5. stefanofsang

    stefanofsang Forum Mogul

    lol nope...
  6. yamahamm

    yamahamm Advanced

    maybe I have bad memory (or schizophrenia :DD) but I remember tutorial of doing that by one of them
  7. Geobli

    Geobli Advanced

    Also he use some kind of zoom out program... look how much he can see, and it's not even the full screen... :) or maybe it's something else going on. :D
  8. stefanofsang

    stefanofsang Forum Mogul

  9. Beaztmode

    Beaztmode Forum Connoisseur

    Yes one of them did. I searched the tutorial a few days ago, too. But I think the one deleted it. :(
  10. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    It's probable that the program used is altering the game code and therefore would violate the terms of service and be grounds for a possible ban. That may be why you can't find the information, or who posted it. They probably don't want it to be known.
    stefanofsang likes this.
  11. Beaztmode

    Beaztmode Forum Connoisseur

    You think so? But why they do it all the time in their videos? :D
    stefanofsang likes this.


    Sony vegas 3D Perspective effect
    google it
  13. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    I was actually just talking out of my rear. I don't really know if what they are doing violates any rules. I was really tired when I posted that. I was in a semi-hallucinatory state of mind :D
    Beaztmode likes this.
  14. KasKISkyWalKer

    KasKISkyWalKer Forum Apprentice

    Just read his comment and you get the answer:

  15. -=Lewis=-

    -=Lewis=- Forum Pro

    haha Fail!
    those programs action and dxtory just record videos and no change the angle camera XD


    "Sony Vegas is editing software to video effects S..."

    Now think again about who just failed.
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 23, 2014
  17. SillySword

    SillySword Regular

    Rotating video clip is one thing. I don't think Sony Vegas can rotate camera in game. That's totally different.
    stefanofsang likes this.
  18. MiSi1234

    MiSi1234 Someday Author

    Maybe this will help?
    Reaction to An0's new video ;)

    Destroyerone likes this.
  19. stefanofsang

    stefanofsang Forum Mogul

    i know how to do it but it is not with sony vegas sorry you are wrong, editing with special effects is something else like cutting the video, music, speed, etc
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 23, 2014
  20. stefanofsang

    stefanofsang Forum Mogul

    [removed quote]

    it is not your programme (you are a spammer) even i have the programme aaaaand it isn't from your youtube channel i got it since 2 months!!!
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 18, 2019
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