Suggestion 6v6 Idea... How to improve...

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by MegaNuker, Dec 30, 2015.

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  1. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    So being left handed ideas just pop in my head. So I wanted to know if others think this is a good idea. Hey maybe it is the worst idea ever invented but maybe someone else will read it and a light balb will go off and will come up with something so stellar... Anyway...

    Split the 6v6 quest into 2. Have a blue team que and a red team que. If there is room on the blue side to que up your allowed to que up. If the blue team is full you have to que up on the red side. Once you play 6v6 on the red side at the end there are 2 question one is blue and since you just played 9n red you can que up on the blue side 100% but can also choose to be red side again.

    6v6 starts when the red side is full no matter how many are on the blue side. If a person dc on the blue side then they have a lost slot. If a person dc on the red side then they are replaced. So some red team players might not have to play the full map. Max toon level is based on the red highest lvl. all blue have to be below that level.
  2. MANOJ

    MANOJ Forum Pro

    There was a similar better idea posted long before, don't remember who posted it.
    Involves 2 rounds.
    Players are put on different teams automatically.
    First round, a team act defenders and other attackers.
    Second round, teams swap their stances, attackers become defenders and vice versa.
    Team that wins both rounds are winners. If each team wins one round each, the time taken by both teams to win round is considered and the team that has taken less time to win round become the winners.

    This is by far the best Idea I have read regarding 6v6 improvements.
  3. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    Blue team starts off with several tactical disadvantages. Unequal map benefits and lousy travel times start it off.
    If there were 2 rounds, why would the red team stick around to get beat up as the blue team?
  4. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador


    Yes I saw that idea and in some way it seems really nice. The cons are how long it would take and if that makes ques that much longer. And how about disconnect seeing the amount of time it takes. Might make it less desirable. What drawn says is true once you where unable to destroy the red base would you stay and how would that hurt the now blue team.

    There was another thought process I had to the effect. Ecept that it felt to CTFish to have two bases and you attack one while defending your own...
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