A Lasting Bond 1/2

Discussion in 'Quests' started by kapitanmnet, Mar 13, 2021.

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  1. kapitanmnet

    kapitanmnet Forum Greenhorn

    Hello guys, i can`t find Morley Garrick in Fyeborough and the quest is marked with green witch means i already found it. Is this quest working ? Also can`t find much info in google.
  2. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    Morley should be there. I know when the CE first came, the quest was bugged. If it's marked with a green check, then follow the next step...? And if it really doesn't work, drop the quest and do it over.
  3. kapitanmnet

    kapitanmnet Forum Greenhorn

    I abandoned the quest and took it again, its the same. I didnt speak with this npc ( i cant find it in the map ) but its checked with green mark. Also there is no next step on this quest. :(
  4. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    Do you have a screenshot of that quest by any chance? Maybe it'll jog my memory if I see it what the next step is. Otherwise, your other option is to consult Support and see what they can offer.
  5. kapitanmnet

    kapitanmnet Forum Greenhorn


    Check the right side of the screenshot where should be the next objective in the quest, its empty. And I didn`t yet give this figure to that guy.
  6. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    lol, interesting. Ok, well, this is the spot where Morley is standing in Fyeborough. Even if you don't see a quest marker, try going up to him and see if he'll talk.

    gbit likes this.
  7. kapitanmnet

    kapitanmnet Forum Greenhorn

    Love u man, it worked ! Tnx for the help !
    silverseas likes this.