A major problem

Discussion in 'Test Server' started by Valvue, Aug 18, 2021.

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  1. Valvue

    Valvue Forum Greenhorn

    Hello,i have a problem with the next moderators:
    - Luke
    - Mario
    - Thor
    I don't understand why they are ignoring the players and don't reply back in chat...i message them all for some help and nobody do nothing! Moderators should help people and if they can't help to say something and should not ignore the messages.
  2. Lυke

    Lυke Moderator Team Drakensang Online


    We have a lot of stuff to do during the day. We help people by guiding them and answering questions, but giving you free stuff and not replying to your test server messages is another story. Please respect and understand that we are not forced to give you anything and neither can reply to all the messages we get, since they are quite a lot.

    Best regards,
    Psytron likes this.