Suggestion Ability to Pause Certain Buffs?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Tigraine-Mantear, May 21, 2015.

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  1. Tigraine-Mantear

    Tigraine-Mantear Someday Author

    What would be cool is the ability to pause (or just cancel) certain buffs - i.e Silver Scrolls or other general buffs from events that do not give you any advantages in PVP.

    I enjoy going in to PVP but the comments that players make after regarding buffing can get a little heated.

    I suggest the ability to "Pause" as sometimes I will be waiting for groups and will PVP in the interim.
  2. AmerickaNindza

    AmerickaNindza Junior Expert

    yes... just stand up and take a break untill buff is finished :p
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