About the 119 release and its faults

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ROTH66, Feb 13, 2014.

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  1. ROTH66

    ROTH66 Someday Author

    In my opinion the new animation in the inventory tab, looks awful ( for spellweaver-woman class). And maybe that doesn't count, because let's say someone enjoys it ( I said maybe because I personally can't imagine such person exists). If that is the case, PLEASE make an on/off button, so we, normal people could turn that awful thing OFF!
    my character-It looks totally handicapped, with it's leg swinging on one side, and mindlessly playing with the weapon once every 2 seconds. The dwarf animation, aside from to much repetition, looks actually nice, haven't check the other.
    Also, playing with a SW, I noticed Some changes at the freezing animation. The frozen monster it is not cube anymore.. it's something else (more realistic I think it was the intention). It was so easy to distinguish the monsters after they were frozen. Not anymore, thanks to the new improved awesome graphics.
    Wouldn't have been more useful to extend the level cap, at at least 50?? Or working at the in game balance. Just opinions.
    Another unfortunate change is putting gem crafter and locker (inventory box) in every city. That is a mistake! The cities have no more personality, there is no more small city big city. Their all the same, which is a big mistake. There's nothing wrong with doing a little more work and transportation missions between cities. Of course there are at least 5000 voices who could contradict with my arguments. But if 272.000.000 persons would say Lil Wayne is a good singer, that doesn't necessarily mean Lil Wayne is a good singer.

    My idea: Of course taking them back (off the map) after you made the mistake of putting them there, just to please the many, it's hard to undo, Everyone would jump on your back. But in stead make them "Unavailable". Abandoned locker respectively Abandoned gem store. And if someone really wants to have the locker or the gem crafter available for that city (only in small cities where they previously didn't exist), make them do the equivalent of 10-20 quests and the locker or jeweler magically appears for them.

    Other suggestions: In several cities there's a couple of npcs, a woman and a man. And The woman is slapping the guy. The idea is cute, I liked it. But the repetition it self.. I mean The woman is slapping the guy once in every 2 seconds(and most of the time she misses:)), Even for a fantasy game that's far fetched; the EDIT would have been killed long time ago. So.. ya, you could fix that.
    More emoticons: Create unique emoticons for each character (not usable by other class!) I Would love to see the dwarf making the "I can't dance" dance. I had ideas for each class, unfortunately I have forgotten them.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2014
    Zokin likes this.
  2. sper009

    sper009 Padavan

    I don't really share your sentiments. I like the animated inventory, but it definitely needs some revising for sure. Ever since they introduced Varholm (and Yeo's hilarious take on it) they've put those people in towns..I don't really notice them anymore :D.
  3. Kulden

    Kulden Forum Greenhorn

    Yea I just ignore them... and I like the animated inventory because its better than a very still figure staring back at you...
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