About the new dog and rumours

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Guitarman, Jan 28, 2014.

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  1. Guitarman

    Guitarman Forum Master

    I heard rumours floating around that there is a new 3k and 5k gold cloak, following the introduction of the doggie......

    Anyone else heard the same . ?

    It will for sure takes ages for F2P to get it if it is true.....
  2. Geobli

    Geobli Advanced

    Well, I heard that rumor like 5 or 6 months ago, I don't remember exactly, old forum. Even if that's true, the Quest for it will last "centuries"... so, you will have time to collect the needed Gold till you finish collecting the fragments. :)
  3. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    If they are throwing more gold cloaks in game then they better add unique cloaks too. At least now there are the 3 types, ander, gold or the Sargon cloak. I refuse to play farmville for a stupid cloak and just mindlessly grind for coins. My god, there's nothing any new cloak could add that a few more gems added to current gear could also. Bad enough the tedium level of the game has peaked with the new ammons set and the endless search for a better piece than the last one.
    While i do enjoy the game, the boredom level of it has risen for me. I'll actively play during most events but tend just to log on/off for dq's now on my 45's.
    Thámriel likes this.
  4. ZmajodBosne

    ZmajodBosne Active Author

    Botters are already prepared for rumor cloak, that is a piece of cake for them, because I saw some pic on this forum where someone have almost 6k gold already.
  5. Geobli

    Geobli Advanced

    Yeah I know, I saw videos too, one guy had a video reporting bots and he was the one with 5,5k Gold. :) Hardcore farm or... he just don't like the bot competition? :D But he said about F2P, he didn't mentioned Premium users and Bot users.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2014
  6. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    The thing about rumors are... they are rumors. Until it's confirmed, it doesn't exist. I never heard a rumor about a new dog pet... yet here it is, cuddly as you please. Personally, I don't take any stock in rumors. I'll wait for the official word.
  7. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    I think the pet dog they are referring to is the one that gives a bit more for items sold
  8. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    I know the one you mean. I saw the official post and I saw the pet around town almost as soon as it was available. My point was that no one was talking about it, and then it was here (*poof*) one day. There was no rumor of a dog, that I heard, and yet here it is!

    On the contrary, people have been talking about a 4K cloak for what must be at least six months, if not longer. Now we're hearing about 3K and 5K cloaks. You will forgive me if I must remain... skeptical ;)
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2014
  9. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    Hehehehe. I know what you mean. Imagine the fun it will be farming for those cloaks, unless they change the requirements for the 1000 gold cape. I can imagine the devs sending us on a scavenger hunt to the Caves as fun to farm for say the 4k cape.:eek::p
  10. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    Don't... even... joke :p (Caves, the bane of any sanity left in DSO players)

    Honestly, until I hear official word of additional cloaks above 1K I choose to believe they won't make them. I don't want another "impossible mission" for frags that hardly ever drop.
  11. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    :pI know quite well .:pImagine the fun we shall have waiting for the frags from the mini bosses and Yachak. They may even give the drop rate from the current PW quest a -25%. :rolleyes:
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