
Discussion in 'Quests' started by JarFall2000, May 5, 2023.

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  1. JarFall2000

    JarFall2000 Forum Apprentice

    Lets get to it What is this Achievements for does it makes you more stupid than anyone? like it dosent make or give you anything most of old players have 12k achievements points or more but still it makes me realize it makes you more stupid cause this game is based on luck while you farm for like all the time to get the items you want but you dont get it while some players got it on a few try some got it in the first try sometimes those new players you carried got it then next time you see they stop playing while you still play the this game wondering why.... its verry stupid to realize a new player got something that you dont cause the game is based on luck and you have been playing for too long