Abyss of Time and fluctuating mob amounts

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by multitoonz, Jan 29, 2014.

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  1. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    Doing Harp of Time 3/6, get 25 crystal eyes from Gorgons and the hilarious thing is, there were only 3, THREE!!! normal Gorgons plus the 2 Boss ones. The run before there were maybe 6. A ton of jabbax spawn and crabs, but barely any Gorgons and so it takes 20 runs to do the one quest. And because only 1 or 2 eyes drop per run, the new Atlantis area quests really do take forever.
    Yeah, not cool, I think the dev team should add more gorgons and not set the area on random mob materialization like it apparently is everytime you re-enter it. And set the mobs to actually drop the stuff they are supposed to drop at a more moderate level instead of the current rare setting.
    I realize that is how they want to keep the players busy by running an area 30 times to finish a quest, but there has to be a limit. That's why you gave us the never ending Ammons grind. To keep us busy at end game.
  2. soxx101

    soxx101 Forum Connoisseur

    they running out of ideas for quests and making everything longer... time consuming and boring...
  3. mwolfe09

    mwolfe09 Forum Apprentice

    I believe this was fixed in a patch, oh well, I know what you are saying, did the same thing.
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