Academie Drakensang Online [FR/EN] - HEREDUR

Discussion in 'Guild Introductions' started by StrMarkTwo, Mar 3, 2019.

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  1. StrMarkTwo

    StrMarkTwo Active Author


    [​IMG] Please listen ! Citizen of Duria ! Since 2012, the Academies of Drakensang Online welcomes you whatever your level of experience, whether casual or regular you are and whether you are DPS or tank, you are welcome.

    Oriented PvE, the guild aims to be a school that teaches members how to play in a group, the specificities of each class, tips, how to equip, what to privilege, etc ...

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    [​IMG] As you learn, you will gain confidence and build strong bonds with guild members. You will then have to make a choice in your career, become a teacher to transmit your hard-earned knowledge during your training, join one of the elite academies to lead raids, become an officer to participate in the evolution of the guild, the opportunities are infinite.

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    [​IMG] In some cases, you will need prerequisites to get the job you are looking for or to enter the academy you have chosen. Guild officers will be there to help you. One day, you may have the chance to meet one of the most influential characters in the guild such as LeRoiHarold, PrinceEndy, Bountize, Durendhal, Elvirasaraya, Fanfanlevent, Frreeddyy, LounaFR, Silfach, Vapotefrance, Cheesymoon or even StrMarkTwo the grandmaster of Drakensang academies online.
    But if you realize at one time or another that the goals of the guild are not yours, you can leave it freely.
    To conclude this presentation, I would especially say not to make profit over the guild and the kindness of its members, do not use the guild chat to make the same request every minute (wait for a member to answer you), rather be yourself: it means, a caring person and the guild will reward you.

    [content removed]


    [​IMG] The soul of the guild is measured by the value of its members, it is not measured by the actions of an isolated individual.
    The Academies of Drakensang Online exists since 2012. It is a group of several french guilds, each one is an academy that adapts its courses according to the level of its students. Most members are connected in the evening.

    [content removed]


    If you want to join us post your application below in the following form:
    [content removed]
    Username IG:
    Class :
    Experience level:
    Level of Knowledge:
    How long have I been playing:
    When do I play (evening, week-end, between 5pm and 7pm...):
    Language written: English/French/Spanish/...
    Where am I today (region / event / equipment):
    My personal goals in the game:
    What do I expect from a guild:
    What do I think I bring to a guild:
    Do I like playing in a group:
    The most important for me in a guild is:
    [content removed]
    Last edited: May 5, 2019
  2. Shine2

    Shine2 Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Hello StrMarkTwo and welcome to DSO EN Forums! A truly beautiful presentation; unfortunately, we use English in this Forum, hence French text has been removed. All the best of luck for your Guild and your future endeavours;

    kind regards
    zimbawe likes this.
  3. StrMarkTwo

    StrMarkTwo Active Author

    Dear Shine2,

    I thank you very much for your welcome.

    I am really sorry about the french language as BP remove the French forum I thought it was a good idea to post in multi-language.
    It will not happen again.
    I wish you the best on your eavy moderation work.

    StrMarkTwo, grandmaster of Drakensang online academies


    Good evening Ranger Just4ro,

    Our commander, Conan, Chief of the ''Dragon Academy'' will send you an invitation to join the guild tonight.
    The Academy you will be assigned is composed of students having a level similar to yours.

    Welcome to our Academy.

    StrMarkTwo, Grandmaster of Drakensang online academies
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 22, 2019
  4. Deliliah

    Deliliah Forum Greenhorn

    Username IG:torriesstorie
    Class :spellweaver
    Experience level:26
    Level of Knowledge:6
    How long have I been playing:played when it first came out and now im back
    When do I play (evening, week-end, between 5pm and 7pm...): between 12pm and 8pm cst
    Where am I today (region / event / equipment):heredur / act 1 chp 5/ assorted level of equipment
    My personal goals in the game: to progress and learn the story
    What do I expect from a guild: support with difficult quest and companionship
    What do I think I bring to a guild: team work
    Do I like playing in a group: yes
    The most important for me in a guild is: equality and kindness
  5. StrMarkTwo

    StrMarkTwo Active Author

    Good evening torriesstorie,

    Nice presentation.
    I run a query on the heredur server and I don't find your name.
    Can you tell me if ''torriesstorie'' is the correct one, please ?

    StrMarkTwo, Grandmaster of Drakensang Online Academies
  6. alexbosu99

    alexbosu99 Forum Apprentice

    Username IG:Arcasultemplului
    Class :ranger
    Experience level:46
    Level of Knowledge:20
    How long have I been playing:2 weeks
    When do I play (evening, week-end, between 5pm and 7pm...):i can play 5-6h per day, it depends by my schedule.
    Where am I today (region / event / equipment):lor'tac/ unique set Tayaz
    My personal goals in the game:level 55 and a good set
    What do I expect from a guild:to help me and to play with others
    What do I think I bring to a guild:all the help I can provide
    Do I like playing in a group:yes
    The most important for me in a guild is:team spirit
  7. StrMarkTwo

    StrMarkTwo Active Author

    Good afternoon Ranger Arcasultemplului,

    I thank you very much for taking time to full feel the member request form :)

    I just have sent an invitation to join the Académie de Drakensang Online.
    But you are already in a guild. So if you want to join please quit your actual guild then I can send you an invitation.
    Feel free to post after.

    StrMarkTwo, Grandmaster of Drakensang Online Academies
  8. DaBiorni

    DaBiorni Forum Apprentice

    Username IG: Bj0rni
    Class : Ranger
    Experience level: 51(Almost 52)
    Level of Knowledge: Fairly large since I have been around Drakensang since when it launched
    How long have I been playing: Since launch(On and Off due to losing interest sometimes since couldnt find an engaging community)
    When do I play (evening, week-end, between 5pm and 7pm...): Most of the week/weekend from 8pm till 4 am :D
    Where am I today (region / event / equipment): Cleared all the regions of the game, pretty mediocre gear, you can think of me as someone who just started(gear wise at least)
    My personal goals in the game: To grind with people, get better and learn with them while making new friends and having fun
    What do I expect from a guild: To make new friends, play together and have fun(Hopefully you guys have Discord too since I love chatting while playing)
    What do I think I bring to a guild: I have a decent amount of knowledge since I been around for a while, and in the future when I am able to help gear other ppl I am up to do that too, while also teaching them the game
    Do I like playing in a group: I love it(Sometimes I take a break from DSO cuz I really dislike playing alone)
    The most important for me in a guild is: Making friends and having fun
  9. StrMarkTwo

    StrMarkTwo Active Author

    Good evening Ranger Bj0rni,

    I have tryed to send you an invitation to join our guild but you are in a guild already.
    If you want to join please quit your current guild and send a new request.

    Feel free,
    StrMarkTwo, Grandmaster of Drakensang Online Academies
  10. alexbosu99

    alexbosu99 Forum Apprentice

    Hi,thank 's for accepting me. Now you can add me in guild,if you want
  11. TheHeloixMain

    TheHeloixMain Forum Greenhorn

    Username IG: Dumnezeuexista
    Class : DragonKnight
    Experience level: 55
    Level of Knowledge: 50
    How long have I been playing: 3years+ on and off and my actual playtime is around 1.5 years (mostly playing at events)
    When do I play: evening, week-end, between 6pm and 11pm
    Where am I today (region / event / equipment):
    My personal goals in the game: To grind with people and help whenever I can
    What do I expect from a guild: To help each other out and have fun
    What do I think I bring to a guild: A future tank/dmg
    Do I like playing in a group: Yes
    The most important for me in a guild is: Helping each other out
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2019
  12. StrMarkTwo

    StrMarkTwo Active Author

    Good evening DragonKnight Dumnezeuexista,

    Your level of knowledge is quit good.
    From what I read you will be able to teach good things to our begginers.
    I have sent an invitation to join the academies of Drakensang Online.
    I will meet you at the full moon event on April, 12nd.
    Please register our DISCORD (the link is avaialble on our guild forum) for the IG grouping manangement.

    Thank you again to increase the size of the guild.

    See you soon IG
    StrMarkTwo, Grandmaster of Drakensang Online Academies

    --- MERGED ---

    Good morning to everybody !

    The Academies of Drakensang Online continues to recruit all levels mainly Frenchs people : we are also open to english written.
    We are a bit more than 80 active members and we use a DISCORD server to communicate between members (text or speech).

    And above all : we have the support of King Harold of Duria at Kingshill


    We groups with you for beginner missions to explain which are the most important, how to use the andermant, the bosses to farm, the daily challenges, the melting, which object to change when you level up, etc ...


    At level 30 we start the painful maps to equip the objects of rank I, also we explain how to win the keys of the skill.
    After we deal with the maps Excuciating, Fatal, Infernal, etc ... and the parallel worlds.
    During the events we do our best to make groups of levels and advance the progress bar :)


    If you are lost in the world of Duria, if you want to play in a group, if you like to chat, if you do not have trouble listening to a teacher who trains you : answer in this topic or write directly to the officers LeRoiHarold, PrinceEndy, Bountize, Durendhal, Elvirasaraya, Fanfanlevent, Frreeddyy, LounaFR, Silfach, Vapotefrance, Cheesymoon or StrMarkTwo.
    They will be very happy to talk to you!

    :D Now you have to take the decision :D
    Last edited by moderator: May 5, 2019
    vegetadavid and zimbawe like this.
  13. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

  14. AbyssAbbie

    AbyssAbbie Forum Greenhorn

    Username IG: Main is Drithder
    Class : Steam Mechanicae
    Experience level: 35
    Level of Knowledge:15 wisdom
    How long have I been playing: think i played a ranger for about 6 or 7 days before starting to play a steam mech so maybe 10 days or more, im not too sure, 1 or 2 days before the 7 day easter egg event.
    When do I play (evening, week-end, between 5pm and 7pm...): depending on work and errands, usually i play from 1pm UK time for around 6 hours, with breaks if i need to something, and then i come back online around 9pm or 10pm and end up playing till around 3am.
    Language written: English although i can try my best with google translate if needs arrise.
    Where am I today (region / event / equipment):Ellonidos / about 1500 fairy fire into the new moon event / couple pieces of splendid durian, 1 piece of norse uniques, some legendary equipment, still using a magic ring as a critical hit boosts until i find a higher tiered ring (blue ring is upgraded to 45)
    My personal goals in the game:My personal goal is to have fun and explore all aspects of the game.
    What do I expect from a guild:Like minded players to have fun.
    What do I think I bring to a guild: A random flailing dwarf throwing bombs and turrets about, dark humour if permitted.
    Do I like playing in a group: Yes.
    The most important for me in a guild is: Having fun together and exploring.
    Last edited: May 6, 2019
  15. StrMarkTwo

    StrMarkTwo Active Author

    Hello Drithder,

    I found your presentation very detail and very understandable.
    Please accept the invitation to join our guild.
    I will be very glad to run with you :)

    StrMarkTwo, Grandmaster of Drakensang online academies
  16. Cr0ss

    Cr0ss Forum Greenhorn

    Username IG: Cr0ssbower
    Class : Ranger
    Experience level: 46
    Level of Knowledge: 20
    How long have I been playing: 3 years and took a short break from game, cause it was boring to have no one else to play with. Now I am back.
    When do I play (evening, week-end, between 5pm and 7pm...): I am in California, mostly play from mornings of 9am to 5pm. 50/50 chance I will play from 6pm-10pm too.
    Language written: English/French/Spanish/... English only.
    Where am I today (region / event / equipment): Yaltepetl
    My personal goals in the game: I want to be a player who plays this game without spending a single cent and becoming one of the best players based on endless hours of playing and never giving up on the goal.
    What do I expect from a guild: Being active around my times, and be willing to help me with events or farming.
    What do I think I bring to a guild: I will help when is needed.
    Do I like playing in a group: I like to play in groups for certain.
    The most important for me in a guild is: Learning from each other and rising above all as a group.
  17. Ikings

    Ikings Forum Greenhorn

    Username IG: Ikings
    Class : DragonKnight
    Experience level: 55
    Level of Knowledge: would say 50 but prob something i dont know so 45
    How long have I been playing: since 2012 with breaks
    When do I play (evening, week-end, between 5pm and 7pm...): everyday almost 5-6 regular days and all day on weeknds
    Language written: english, norwegian, arabic
    Where am I today (region / event / equipment): q7 set etc, Herredur, paralell world,
    My personal goals in the game: become good and gain friends
    What do I expect from a guild: helpfull people willing to grind
    What do I think I bring to a guild: help the lower lvl people and also knowledge to the guild and a nice friend
    Do I like playing in a group: yes i do like playing in groups
    The most important for me in a guild is: teamwork and activity and also people helping eachother out
    Ariandrake likes this.
  18. StrMarkTwo

    StrMarkTwo Active Author

    Good morning Cr0ssbow and IKings,

    Please, be welcome to the Academies of Drakensang Online.
    An invitation has been sent to you in game.
    I wish you hours of fun and training/trained with all guild members

    See you in game
    StrMarkTwo, Grandmaster of Drakensang online academies
    Ariandrake likes this.
  19. sken64

    sken64 Forum Apprentice

    hello/bonjour. need guild tontonpogo lvl 54 heredur vapo .thx 8)
  20. StrMarkTwo

    StrMarkTwo Active Author

    Hello Tontonpogo,

    I acknowledge your post.
    Can you please fullfill the request form ?
    So I have a better idea of your profile, your expectations.

    I thank you in advance,
    StrMarkTwo, Grandmaster of Drakensang online academies