Academie Drakensang Online [FR/EN] - HEREDUR

Discussion in 'Guild Introductions' started by StrMarkTwo, Mar 3, 2019.

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  1. StrMarkTwo

    StrMarkTwo Active Author

    Hello Daniel,

    Nice presentation, I thank you for the time you spent on it :)
    I have tried several times to send you an invit to the guild : but you are still member of another one.
    If you still want to join please auit your actual guild and send a new message in that topic about it.

    Please have a good day.
    StrMarkTwo, the Grand Master of the Academies of Drakensang Online

    -------------------- EDIT --------------------

    Hello Citizen of Duria,

    This is a message to inform you that recruitments are now suspended for an indefinite period. An announcement will be done following this message when recruitments will start again.

    Please have a good day anyway.
    StrMarkTwo, the Grand Master of the Academies of Drakensang Online
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2019
  2. Charbel

    Charbel Forum Apprentice

    sup i was an old member of the guild (had a dk) but then i quit and now I'm back, certainly i speak frensh too and was mostly active on the frensh forum but rip
    username IG: Charbel4
    Class : Ranger
    Experience level: 32
    Level of Knowledge:12
    How long have I been playing: 2 years but then i stopped and now I'm back
    When do I play (evening, week-end, between 5pm and 7pm...): depend of my work, if i don't have customers from 2:30 pm to 9:30 pm and then form 11 pm to 1 pm, and sunday usually from 11 pm till 4 am
    Where am I today (region / event / equipment):jorsholom / act 3 chp 2 / I'll post a screenshot once i open my laptop
    My personal goals in the game: to be the very best :D
    What do I expect from a guild: frendship and respect
    What do I think I bring to a guild: team work
    Do I like playing in a group: yes
    The most important for me in a guild is: good and enjoyable people
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2019
  3. 20DeltA13

    20DeltA13 Someday Author


    Username IG: Delta2019 (simple with no special characters)
    Class : Ranger
    Level of Knowledge:102
    How long have I been playing: I play this game from 2013
    When do I play: I have a job and I work in shifts so every week i play at different times(for example next week i start night shifts)
    Language written: I can speak English and Romanian
    Where am I today (region / event / equipment):I am usually in Kingshill, I finished the recent events except the PvP Season, I use Q7 set but i need a better bow, I'm way behind with the gems that i have on my equipment an have about 29K damage without ess or dmg buffs
    My personal goals in the game: to become OP, farm everything on higher difficulties and help others like others helped me
    What do I expect from a guild: play in grup and helping eachother
    What do I think I bring to a guild: I'll help weaker players as much as i can
    Do I like playing in a group: Yes mostly but there are times when I prefer some solo runs to relax
    The most important for me in a guild is: to understand and help eachother
    - i don't use Skype or TeamSpeak but i can install them if they are required for a better comunication.
  4. HugoetPierre

    HugoetPierre Forum Greenhorn

    Username IG: Far3df
    Class : Ranger
    Experience level: 47
    Level of Knowledge: 20
    How long have I been playing: since 2015 with breaks
    When do I play (evening, week-end, between 5pm and 7pm...): i play on journey like 4pm/6pm but i cant play everytime since 4pm all days
    Language written: English, French
    Where am I today (region / event / equipment): Heredur, Karabossa, not specific equipment
    My personal goals in the game: become good and gain friends and take this fcking level 55 ^^
    What do I expect from a guild: helpfull people willing to grind
    What do I think I bring to a guild: help the lower lvl people and also knowledge to the guild and a nice friend
    Do I like playing in a group: yes i like play in groups
    The most important for me in a guild is: teamwork and activity and also people helping eachother out
  5. sken64

    sken64 Forum Apprentice

    Username IG: tontonpogo
    Class: Spray
    Experience level: 55
    Level of knowledge: 20
    How long have I been playing: 21 July 2018
    When should I play (evening, weekend, between 17h and 19h ...): 10h >> 5h every day
    Written language: English / French / Spanish / .. .french
    Where am I today (region / event / equipment): altea nova event
    My personal goals in the game: level objects / bigger gemes
    What do I expect from a guild: fun and comunications
    What do I think I bring to a guild: Is it evolve
    - what I like to play in a group: yes
    the most important for me in a guild is: playing together sorry google trad
  6. Finnery

    Finnery Forum Greenhorn

    Username IG: Deaglezy
    Class: Dwarf
    Experience level:55
    Level of Knowledge:38
    How long have I been playing:Around 5-6 years or more
    When do I play (evening, week-end, between 5pm and 7pm...):Everyday
    Language written: English/French/Spanish/... English / Finnish
    Where am I today (region / event / equipment): Q7/Q8 set farm and event
    My personal goals in the game:Get stronger and have fun
    What do I expect from a guild: Nice and fun times with new people and everyone helps each other.
    What do I think I bring to a guild: New friendly guy :)
    Do I like playing in a group:Yeah
    The most important for me in a guild is:Everyone are friendly to each other and we're helping each other farming and having fun :)
  7. Sprokett

    Sprokett Forum Greenhorn

    Username IG: Oblidha
    Class : Engineer
    Experience level: 20
    Level of Knowledge: 20
    How long have I been playing: Few days
    When do I play (evening, week-end, between 5pm and 7pm...): Evenings
    Language written: English/French/Spanish/... English
    Where am I today (region / event / equipment): Winter Solstice
    My personal goals in the game: Placing and MGT that points at the target :p
    What do I expect from a guild: Trolling my MGT skill :/
    What do I think I bring to a guild: Fresh take on MGT placement :)
    Do I like playing in a group: Yhe .. sooo enjoy showcasing my MGT skill ^^
    The most important for me in a guild is: Having my MGT appreciated :D
  8. Bajtlik

    Bajtlik Forum Greenhorn

    Username IG: Elplayyy
    Class : Ranger
    Experience level: 55
    Level of Knowledge: 52
    How long have I been playing: cca 4 years but im still playing like a newbie, bc i didnt play long time.
    When do I play (evening, week-end, between 5pm and 7pm...): Everyday 2-3 hours
    Language written: English,Czech
    Where am I today (region / event / equipment): Grimmag, Parallel world, not good. :D
    My personal goals in the game: I wanna be the best.
    What do I expect from a guild: Just to teach me about a equipment and other things and of course a people who would help me.
    What do I think I bring to a guild: I can help others.
    Do I like playing in a group: Yes, its always more fun then playing alone.
    The most important for me in a guild is: Sympathy and helpfull people.
  9. StaidAffect

    StaidAffect Forum Greenhorn

    Username IG: Baronricks
    Class : DK
    Experience level: 55
    Level of Knowledge: 61
    How long have I been playing: I'm an old player coming from a few years pause.
    When do I play: Almost evetyday for 3-4 hours between 9AM and 5PM. I don't play so much on weekends.
    Language written: English/ Bulgarian
    Where am I today (region / event / equipment): Kingshill (Dragan Event)
    My personal goals in the game: Developing my character
    What do I expect from a guild: Helping me get better
    What do I think I bring to a guild: I can help other players develop their characters
    Do I like playing in a group: Yes
    The most important for me in a guild is: Teamwork and helpfull people
  10. Robert21313

    Robert21313 Forum Greenhorn

    Username IG : Sparckiy
    Class : Spellweaver
    Experience level: 55
    Level of Knowledge : 70 (I know most of the things in this game )
    How long have I been playing : around 2 years but I have been taking breaks
    When do I play : I play most of the time and when I am free
    Language written : English
    Where am I today : Kingshill
    My personal goals in the game : To become one of the best mages in this server
    What do I expect from a guild : Being able to help most of the guild members and be friendly and willing to grind :)
    What do I think I bring to a guild : I can help anybody with things that I can do
    Do I like playing in a group : Yes
    The most important for me in a guild is : Teamwork , and the willing to help each other
  11. Beauseant

    Beauseant Forum Greenhorn

    Username IG: Beausant
    Class : Spellweaver
    Experience level: 25
    Level of Knowledge: 30%
    How long have I been playing: A long time, but I have recently just started up this game.
    When do I play: Somewhat active during the week, around 7/8-10 pm. But in the weekends, if I can, a lot longer.
    Language written: English, Arabic and Dutch.
    Where am I today (region / event / equipment): Werian Sanctuary, up to the next region soon.
    My personal goals in the game: Achieving end game status and enjoy the journey to it.
    What do I expect from a guild: The feeling of unity, companion ship, help and fun.
    What do I think I bring to a guild: Assistance and activity
    Do I like playing in a group: I very much do
    The most important for me in a guild is: Having fun :)
  12. NSDT-returns

    NSDT-returns Someday Author

    Username IG: Aventurette
    Class : Spellweaver
    Experience level: 51 (probably 55 in a few day)
    Level of Knowledge: 38
    How long have I been playing:
    2 weeks with this account
    I had a decent lvl55 mage "Darkwatoo" (lvl60 uniques and first crafts done) 1year and a half ago that I deleted to pursue studies.
    I have time now so I am back.
    When do I play (evening, week-end, between 5pm and 7pm...):
    mostly evening (20h - 23h) and week ends
    Language written: English/French/German
    Where am I today (region / event / equipment): Qaizah, working on getting 55
    My personal goals in the game: Rebuild a charcater, craft and improve it progressively, for PvE
    What do I expect from a guild: Play in a group, Help for some item farms, farm event together
    What do I think I bring to a guild: I like to help players too, whatever their level is.
    Do I like playing in a group: Yes
    The most important for me in a guild is: Cooperation to progress together