Bug Achievements not unlocked

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by G-Rico, Dec 20, 2022.

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  1. G-Rico

    G-Rico Someday Author

    Recently, I went through the achievements of one of my characters and noticed that some achievements had not been unlocked in the pvp section. Has anyone had the same problem and can help me?
  2. ~Providence~

    ~Providence~ Junior Expert

    Have you tried logging off and on again, then checking the achievements again?
    I know that sounds silly, but there are times where my achievements bug as well, such as my crafting achievements in which the game thinks I haven't unlocked them and won't allow me to craft higher tier gems. This always fixes for me though with just a restart. I don't know if it counts as the same problem, but if not then I'm sorry, I hope you'll be able to fix it!
  3. G-Rico

    G-Rico Someday Author

    Thank you for your answer but I have already tried several times to uninstall the game and reinstall it without success